Who does NOT believe in growth aids


New Member
I am wondering who has achieved significant growth without the use of MTG, horsetail tea/herbs, flaxseed, biotin and other various supplments that we have determined could increase growth?

I love reading about everyone's success with oral and topical growth aids and I use MTG occasionally and take a multi for general health but I find it so hard to keep up with all the new developments that I just want to let nature take its course (with proper moisture and care, of course) and grow at whatever rate it wants to grow at.
Good question. I am excited to see the responses.

I stopped using any aids because it get old and I just don't feel like dealing with it. I am not that pressed for more that the average growth rate a month anyway.

I do want my hair to look nice, at any length, and most of those aids were just not helping with that.
I've taken MSM, biotin, silica, and Robin's Megavitamins. I've used MTG, MN, and Surge. Only MN increased my growth rate. But you know what's funny... the second I found something that seemed to work for me I stopped using it. I think I just wanted to prove to myself that it existed. Or, I was just trying to get back the 1.5 inches I cut off. Now that they are back I'm content to let it grow at its natural rate (.5 in/month).
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sareca said:
MN. But you know what's funny... the second I found something that seemed to work for me I stopped using it. I think I just wanted to prove to myself that it existed.

Same here!

I do believe that they can aid is faster growth, but I just don't really feel like dealing with them anymore.
I don't use topical growth aids, and I don't take any other supplements for hair growth. In addition to me not always believing that they work, like HoneyDew said, they're just too much work for me. On top of that, I believe that healthy hair begins with what grows out of the scalp and that can be best controlled by what we put IN our bodies as opposed to ON our bodies.

My multi-vitamin is for general health, and MSM is for my seasonal allergies, joints, and skin. Everything else (i.e. green tea, carrot juice, etc) are things that I enjoy and keep my healthy. A healthy body typically generates healthy hair at a healthy rate so for me, fast hair growth is the icing on the cake of my health, not the layers.
Although many ladies had success with them, I don't think it's for me. I already have issues with taking regular vitamins consistently, so anything more would be a waste of money.

As for creams and topical stuff, I should be doing regular scalp massages with and with out oil, and I don't always keep up with it. Again, anything more would be a waste.

I'm trying to focus on the the basics: eat right, get enough rest, drink lots of water, excercise, and taking regular vitamins.
I don't, and have never used any growth aids other than either a daily multi vitamin or GNC's UltraNourishHair.

I keep my hair clean and well moisturized,I don't use heat, and it grows on its own.
Me!! I just believe if you wash frequently, use good quality products, follow a healthy diet, exercise, and drink lots of water that your hair will grow like its supposed to. Machieamour (sp) doesnt believe in them either, and look at her hair.:ohwell: But if it works for you then do your thang!:grin:
when I'm tail bone length.

sorry I've been bald all my life -I'd put chia pet stuff on it if i had too if it would make it grow.
I dont think anything makes your hair grow at a faster rate, with the exception of vitamins, but i still think its a growth spurt not a miracle product.
Divine Inspiration said:
I don't use topical growth aids, and I don't take any other supplements for hair growth. In addition to me not always believing that they work, like HoneyDew said, they're just too much work for me. On top of that, I believe that healthy hair begins with what grows out of the scalp and that can be best controlled by what we put IN our bodies as opposed to ON our bodies.

My multi-vitamin is for general health, and MSM is for my seasonal allergies, joints, and skin. Everything else (i.e. green tea, carrot juice, etc) are things that I enjoy and keep my healthy. A healthy body typically generates healthy hair at a healthy rate so for me, fast hair growth is the icing on the cake of my health, not the layers.

I think you are so right..too bad I'm sitting here munching on cheesey popcorn as I read this. :perplexed
I love to eat healthy but sometimes, maybe a lot of the time, I just get lazy. I wish I could be as focused as you are, or even as focused as those ladies on 5 different hair vits, who are doing nightly scalp massages and scouring the net for hair products.

I love that there are ladies with beautiful hair that dont use growth aids. Sometimes I feel like I need to find one to get over the hurdle. My hair has been the same length since forever, when i cut it it will grow back quickly but never past 1 or 2 inches above BSL
MTG: This product burned my neck up so bad I had to wear collars for about a month.

Supplements: I stopped taking them last year --- or what ever day I forgot to take them... I'm sorry, but remembering to take a pill here and there is too much work for me, especially if it isn't vital to my health!

Surge: I gave up on it when I moved since I didn't feel like driving to the next city over to pick it up.

.... So, yes, I don't believe in growth aids! So far I've stopped using heat (one year ago last month), eating healthier, and styling my hair w/o all the excessive manipulation!

I also think my hair is growing faster because I gave up sodas almost 2 years ago. I drink about 1-2 liters of water a day!
I don't believe in growth aids either, and I've tried them all. I do take a multi-vitamin for overall health - that is when I can remember. I think what helps me is exercise and eating right.
simone103 said:
I don't believe in growth aids either, and I've tried them all. I do take a multi-vitamin for overall health - that is when I can remember. I think what helps me is exercise and eating right.

You have made excellent progress!
I don't do the growth-aid thing. I don't like using topical products other than moisturizers for scalp/hair, and I take too many pills for health reasons to pop another one for my hair. :lol: I just wash/condition/moisturize and let it do it's own thing. ;)
i'm currently taking biotin. i don't notice a difference in hair growth so i'll stop taking them as soon as my two bottles run out. i also don't mess with MTG, WGO, surge or any topical hair growth potions.
I just take my daily vitamin, no growth aids. Sometimes from reading people's posts, I wonder if I should try it. But really, I lean towards the regular natural growth process...

Tomorrow I will be texturizing after 13 weeks or so...something like that. So we will see what progress I've made. :)
I'm not sure if I believe or not, I haven't tried any of them yet, I take vitamins when I can remember, never used MTG, MN or any of the others, I thought about trying MN for my hairline but got scared after reading about people getting bad headaches, I agree with the ladies about eating right and exercising is important. I just want my hair to be healthy, if it grows long that's fine, I have had bra strap length for many years, it not quite that long now but pass my shoulders, as long as I take care of it I know it will grow. I don't even like doing my own hair, I rather go to the salon. But I do enjoy reading about others experiences.

I always wondered why other nationalities don't have to wear their hair in protective styles and it still grows very long :perplexed
LP1177 said:
I'm not sure if I believe or not, I haven't tried any of them yet, I take vitamins when I can remember, never used MTG, MN or any of the others, I thought about trying MN for my hairline but got scared after reading about people getting bad headaches, I agree with the ladies about eating right and exercising is important. I just want my hair to be healthy, if it grows long that's fine, I have had bra strap length for many years, it not quite that long now but pass my shoulders, as long as I take care of it I know it will grow. I don't even like doing my own hair, I rather go to the salon. But I do enjoy reading about others experiences.

I always wondered why other nationalities don't have to wear their hair in protective styles and it still grows very long :perplexed

That's not entirely true. I know that white women wear their hair up to keep their ends nice the same as we do; some yt girls have similar issues as us. They have to swear off heat as well to get long, lush hair in many cases. But I know it seems so much easier for them:ohwell:
winterinatl said:
That's not entirely true. I know that white women wear their hair up to keep their ends nice the same as we do; some yt girls have similar issues as us. They have to swear off heat as well to get long, lush hair in many cases. But I know it seems so much easier for them:ohwell:

Yeah it does seem so much easier for them, I work with some philipino(?spelling)
ladies and they wear their hair down everyday, poo and flat iron everyday and it still looks very nice and healthy, they don't use a lot of products or take vitamins. But you are right, I'm sure some of them have hair issues too.
I'm one of those that don't believe in growth potions.
My hair grows slowly (about 4-5 cm a year) but I don't mind.
I don`t really like topical aids for growth...MTG is totally out of the question!!! I do think that many of us could benefit from taking supplements , not only for hair health but for overall health. Most people just don`t get all the vitamins & minerals we need from our diets . I have been anemic for many years but it took the wonderful ladies on this hair board to help me realize that this was not only causing me to have less energy but causing hair growth issues as well. Since I`ve stayed on top of taking my multivitamin & iron my hair has improved drastically as well....So I`m not into topical growth aids but don`t sleep on those vitamins!!!!!
I was slightly anemic too, Princess Diva! When I first joined here I became an instant product junkie:eek: I've gotten rid of everything but the vitamins which are more so for health, but I 'll take the hair growth that comes with it:grin:
I have retained more length and my hair is thicker since I began to do things, such as wash every week give or take a few days, stretch relaxers, reduce heat use (I have not used anything other than a hood dryer since June), and deep conditioner at least three times a month. The only thing I take is Cod Liver Oil tablets. Why? I like the taste:look:. The only thing that I have to work on is getting my healthy ends to be even (I see a trim in the forecast:cool: :( )
winterinatl said:
That's not entirely true. I know that white women wear their hair up to keep their ends nice the same as we do; some yt girls have similar issues as us. They have to swear off heat as well to get long, lush hair in many cases. But I know it seems so much easier for them:ohwell:

I agree the first time I heard the "if you want your hair to grow wear it in a bun ponytail" was from a white stylist- but of course I did not pay attention to this and this was atleast 10 years ago- imagine if I would have listened!!!!
i reckon you girls have got hair that grows well, which is why you've decided not to use any growth aides....
I am a growth aide junkie (pills, products, you name em and i'm off to buy em...lol)...simply because my hair stubbornly refuses to grow otherwise.