Who all self-trims?


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking about doing this, but I hear that the wrong trimming/shears can damage your hair? Is this true? What do yall do?
Although I'm the first to answer, I'm sure you'll get lots of replies. I sell-trim and S&D split ends periodically. And yes, make sure you get decent scissors; don't use the scissors you use for cutting wrapping paper and what-not. I would advise you to invest in a good pair from a beauty supply store.
I've only trimmed three times but the shears I use have not harmed my hair. I got them from Sallys but they were less than 10 dollars. I heard you should buy expensive ones but until my hair starts to suffer, I won't be spending alot of money on some scissors.
i bought special hair cutting scissors and only use them on my hair. so far so good. my only issue is cutting in a straight line. i plan on getting a crea clip to help with that.
I self dust every fourth flat iron session and it has kept my ends in shape.

I bought some hot pink handled hair trimming shears from Walmart and they are up in my cabinet hiding from hubby and the kids.
i'm a self trimmer.. i bought a pair of dedicated hair trimmers from cvs... they're actually made for trimming hair... i sharpen them every once in a while w/my knife sharpener
I trim my own hair with the jilbere brand I got from sally's. I spent 18 dollars on them. I trim (1/4 to 3/8 inch) 2 times a year and I can't really tell you if these are any good or not. After the trims, my hair feels better, but I do wonder if I should upgrade to the higher quality scissors.

I'll have to do some research though. It's gonna take some convincing to get me to part with 50-70 bucks for some dang scissors.
I started trimming my own hair since I've gone natural. I have shears and they're good but they're not high quality. I can't justify spending fifty bucks or so on something I'll use maybe 3-4x a year right now.
I use quality shears from Sally's that was purchased on sale for $34 and they cut like butter. I have used cheap shears in the past and it seemed like my trims didn't hold up as long as they do now with the better pair. Tip: Do not cut anything else but your hair with them or risk dulling the shears.
I bought my hair trimming scissors from like CVS for about 10 bucks. They've done me good.

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Dull scissors will give you split ends. But I don't think you have to buy extra expensive scissors. Any hair scissors you find at Sallys or your local BSS will do. Just don't use them for anything but your hair. HTH
I self trim and use shears that costed about $10 at Sally's, but I do plan to buy higher quality shears soon since they seem to work better....and also DO NOT USE your shears on anything besides your hair...they will get damaged, which will lead to a less than perfect trim