White or Ivory Shea Butter - Where to Buy for Quality


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know where to get white or ivory shea butter (unrefined) online with a consistent quality? I am getting frustrated with the inconsistent quality. I would like it to be creamy, not hard or dry, but I still want it to be unrefined. I do not prefer yellow shea butter. I ordered ivory shea butter from soapgoods.com but it was dried out to the point it was like hard gray dry bird caca (sorry :nono:) . I had a friend order from atlsmellgood on etsy but they sent the yellow, not sure if they were trying to be slick but I don't want to deal with all that. If anyone buys ivory or white please post where. Thanks!
Does anyone know where to get white or ivory shea butter (unrefined) online with a consistent quality? I am getting frustrated with the inconsistent quality. I would like it to be creamy, not hard or dry, but I still want it to be unrefined. I do not prefer yellow shea butter. I ordered ivory shea butter from soapgoods.com but it was dried out to the point it was like hard gray dry bird caca (sorry :nono:) . I had a friend order from atlsmellgood on etsy but they sent the yellow, not sure if they were trying to be slick but I don't want to deal with all that. If anyone buys ivory or white please post where. Thanks!

I get my shea butter(yellow) from my local Walmart and they carry both the yellow and the white. I live south of Atlanta. I've never had a problem with texture it's always been consistent. I do not know if it is unrefined. I will check the jar when I get home this evening. I do believe under ingredients it says pure shea butter and nothing else is listed.