White/Gray coating on the hair...


Well-Known Member
Lately I've noticed after I wash my hair I get a strange gray almost white coating on my hair once it dries. This happened a while ago when I used Miss Jessies products for styling but when I stopped it went away. Now its back but I haven't been using anything different. after I shampoo and condition or even cowash only my hair dries a whitish gray color. After I wet it with just water it goes back to normal. Any idea what this is? I'm almost certain its the products, but this never happened before and other than this my hair still seems to like what I'm using.
That just might do the trick. That used to happen to me before I started clarifying once a month. I currently us a Suave clarifying shampoo, but I think I will try ACV next time and see how that works.

Good luck!
I use Suave clarifying too. Suave Naturals Ocean Breeze DailyClarifying. Buy if ACV rinse does the same I may try that too.