White girls have hair problems too!


Active Member
Some people think White people have few to no problems growing their hair. This is not true for all of them. Caucasians have some of the same problems we have. My friend, who is Caucasian, wants long hair but she also wants, blond hair and curly hair. Right now her hair is shoulder length. She told me, "My hair won't grow any longer". I asked her that famous question, "Why do have to have your perm redone, if your hair doesn't grow" ?

I explained to her that all the chemical services she was having was causing her hair to be dry, brittle and break. She bleached, permed, washed everyday with Perk Plus and never conditioned. You would have thought I was speaking another very interesting language. Now she is always asking me for hair advice.
LOL I guess we aren't as different as we thought. NO CONDITIONER!
This is so true. There was a girl in my class complaining about how thin her straight hair was and how her edges grow and then break off.
Diamondlady, this is very true. I worked with a white women who had very curly hair that almost looks like an afro. She told me her hair has looked like this way her whole life and never grow beyond her present length. She told me that she does not even know what it is like to have long hair.
It's funny how some people have this idealized notion of "white hair." Just walking down the street, I don't see that many white girls with gorgeous hair or particularly long hair. Most of them look average, just like everyone else. I guess we have been bombarded with so many Pantene commercials that we don't see the reality in front of us.
True bluehatter. I grew up with a lot of white girls who had average hair with average problems. I even know some who hotcombed certain sections of their hair and a couple that used Revlon Relaxer every 6 six months to calm their hair down they said. Ahh, sad the amounts misconceptions in the world.
And alot of them straighten their hair everyday with blow dryers. This one girl wore her hair so straight. She balmed it and flat ironed everyday and then one day she wore it curly. I made extra effort to tell her how pretty it was curly(wearing your hair natural is good for white folks too). My roommate last year had wavy hair and I tried to encourage her not to straighten it so much. This other red-headed girl had black people hair and then she got a relaxer but her hair felt like straw. I tried to tell her about a leave-in but she thought she was the stuff and couldn't hear me when I suggested daily moisture. My point is that I agree white girls do have hair problems and sometimes not all that different from ours.
72792 said:
True bluehatter. I grew up with a lot of white girls who had average hair with average problems. I even know some who hotcombed certain sections of their hair and a couple that used Revlon Relaxer every 6 six months to calm their hair down they said. Ahh, sad the amounts misconceptions in the world.

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I knew a white girl that got a relaxer because her hair was thick She said that she'd never get on again because it was so hard to wash it out of her hair. It didn't even do what she wanted it to do.
One of my white girlfriends completely identified with me when I was complaining about scissor-happy stylists.
She said she couldn't stand that either, and had actually suffered a few chops when she had only asked for a trim. Looks like SHSs are an equal opportunity hazard!
I always see alot of them with length, but usually it's soooooo thin and stringy! It's definitely the minority of them who have "Pantene Commercial Hair"........they purposely pick models who have thick, lush, long hair to star in those commercials or they add in some extensions! Usually when they get extensions or falls, it's to add thickness because though they may have length, who wants length if its wispy thin????! Not me! I'll take my super thick hair anyday over type 1 thin flimsy hair. Nope! We're not all that different at all!!! Another great post from DiamondLady!!! :-)
This is very true. I like to read the boards Makeupalley and NaturallyCurly. Those women stress just as much as we do about their hair. Which products to buy, what's working and not working...advice on conditioning, haircuts, colors.... same script different cast!
I remember sometime I was in a meeting (my on-campus job) and somehow, we got on the topic of hair (we're rather casual) and one of my co-workers (white) who I ALWAYS saw with stick-straight (and healthy-looking) hair mentioned how she has to relax it periodically to get it the way it is. My mouth nearly dropped. Especially since her comment was followed by my supervisor's (white) admission that she had to relax parts of her hair every now and then to get it to be non-poofy/get rid of frizziness, ie, texturize it because she has like type 2c/3a hair (I can't tell for sure because she keeps it short...around ear-length. It bends in different ways).
I was so surprised!

Another time, I was on a bus and I heard this white girl expressing to another about her jealousy concerning her sister who has long hair and always had it and she never had hair as long as her sisters (which I understood was near waist length). Hers was just a couple of inches past shoulders.

And that wasn't the first or last time I heard or saw a white girl struggling with length issues!
I was just giving my friend some hair advice cuz her hair is breaking off from coloring her hair and an improperly applied curly perm.....darn hairdressers..... They get everybody, not just us.