While under your steamer....


Relaxed, 4B
While under your steamer/dryer....

what do you do? I am so restless while under the steamer. I sometimes browse the net but I'm thinking I could probably be more productive. Maybe I'll do a face scrub. So fellow steamer/dryer users, what do you do while under there???
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:) i like to journal. i always tell myself "you need to journal", and under the steamer feels like the perfect time! i mean, i'[m there, and i can't go anywhere, so why not get out of my head while i'm working ON my head???
I read, watch TV, study, or do work.

I would also like to take this opportunity to give MAJOR kudos to everyone who stays under the dryer for 45 minutes or more. I don't know how you guys do it. I get up after 15 minutes...or 20 minutes MAX.
I read, watch TV, study, or do work.

I would also like to take this opportunity to give MAJOR kudos to everyone who stays under the dryer for 45 minutes or more. I don't know how you guys do it. I get up after 15 minutes...or 20 minutes MAX.

This is ME!! I think I may try BreeNique's suggestion of journal writing.
That's easy I got my routine down. I just pick a Fav movie and have my laptop within reach. Once I put in my Conds and clipt it up then I start my movie. I go hardcore I DC for 30m -1hr.

ETA: BTW op thanks for the reminder Im due for a nice long moisturizing DC steam w HSR.
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Watch tv. I actually rather be under the steamer than the dryer because the latter makes so much noise that I can't hear anything.
I do lots of things... eat, read, surf the net, text, etc. I've fallen asleep a couple times, too, actually (don't ask.) lol.

Not sure if you're familiar with Mane and Chic's 15-10-10 method for Deep Conditioning, but I've started doing it with my steamer. It helps break up the monotony and makes me feel like I'm really making the best of my time under there.
I do lots of things... eat, read, surf the net, text, etc. I've fallen asleep a couple times, too, actually (don't ask.) lol.

Not sure if you're familiar with Mane and Chic's 15-10-10 method for Deep Conditioning, but I've started doing it with my steamer. It helps break up the monotony and makes me feel like I'm really making the best of my time under there.

ToSelahWithLove no, I've never heard of that...is it a product or a system?
I do lots of things... eat, read, surf the net, text, etc. I've fallen asleep a couple times, too, actually (don't ask.) lol.

Not sure if you're familiar with Mane and Chic's 15-10-10 method for Deep Conditioning, but I've started doing it with my steamer. It helps break up the monotony and makes me feel like I'm really making the best of my time under there.

@ToSelahWithLove say what :lick:

please elabourate:grin:
@ToSelahWithLove no, I've never heard of that...is it a product or a system?

It's a method that she uses for deep conditioning her hair under the dryer, but I just adopted it for steaming.

Here's what she has up on her site:

  • Apply deep conditioner to hair in sections making sure to reach every hair strand. (I prefer organic deep conditioners by Giovanni
    and Aubrey Organics
  • Apply plastic shower cap and sit under a Conditioning Heat Cap or warm dryer for 15 minutes.
  • Run your fingers over your head to feel for dry parts and apply more conditioner there and smooth. Also be sure to apply more conditioner to areas prone to breakage.
  • Sit under the heat cap again for 10 minutes.
  • Apply more conditioner to weak spots, hairline and ends.
  • Sit under heat cap or dryer w/plastic cap (for the 3rd and final time) for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse out in shower w/conditioner.
  • Detangle under showerhead.
  • Finish with a cold water rinse to lock in moisture.
Why bother? Heat from the heat cap or dryer opens the hair cuticles, allowing the ingredients in deep conditioners to penetrate the hair shaft. The idea is to keep applying until your hair stops taking it in. How do you know your hair has stopped taking it in? The conditioner will just sit on your hair. You don't want to waste product, so when you're satisfied, you can rinse it out. Sometimes I use the method above and apply an oil and sleep with it overnight. If I'm rinsing out the same day, I apply an oil for the last application: 15 minutes under heat cap with deep conditioner, 10 minutes under heat cap with more deep conditioner followed by 10 minutes under heat cap with even more deep conditioner and finally add an oil."

Here's the link: http://www.maneandchic.com/2010/07/31-curly-hair-tips-tip-4-deep.html

I basically adapt that to what I need: no cap, and because I like being under the steamer I tend to go like 25-10-10, because on the first round I usually let it go til it goes off (I have a huetiful one that only steams about 25 minutes at a time). HTH! Try it, you might like the way it works :yep:
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Read books and magazines on my Nook is mostly what I do. Sometimes I will get on LHCF on my Nook.
I like this! I normally layer my products anyway. I could layer them this way! I'm going to try and see if it makes a difference although it will be more like 5-5-5 for my impatient self:grin:
It's a method that she uses for deep conditioning her hair under the dryer, but I just adopted it for steaming.

Here's what she has up on her site:

  • Apply deep conditioner to hair in sections making sure to reach every hair strand. (I prefer organic deep conditioners by Giovanni
    and Aubrey Organics
  • Apply plastic shower cap and sit under a Conditioning Heat Cap or warm dryer for 15 minutes.
  • Run your fingers over your head to feel for dry parts and apply more conditioner there and smooth. Also be sure to apply more conditioner to areas prone to breakage.
  • Sit under the heat cap again for 10 minutes.
  • Apply more conditioner to weak spots, hairline and ends.
  • Sit under heat cap or dryer w/plastic cap (for the 3rd and final time) for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse out in shower w/conditioner.
  • Detangle under showerhead.
  • Finish with a cold water rinse to lock in moisture.
Why bother? Heat from the heat cap or dryer opens the hair cuticles, allowing the ingredients in deep conditioners to penetrate the hair shaft. The idea is to keep applying until your hair stops taking it in. How do you know your hair has stopped taking it in? The conditioner will just sit on your hair. You don't want to waste product, so when you're satisfied, you can rinse it out. Sometimes I use the method above and apply an oil and sleep with it overnight. If I'm rinsing out the same day, I apply an oil for the last application: 15 minutes under heat cap with deep conditioner, 10 minutes under heat cap with more deep conditioner followed by 10 minutes under heat cap with even more deep conditioner and finally add an oil."

Here's the link: http://www.maneandchic.com/2010/07/31-curly-hair-tips-tip-4-deep.html

I basically adapt that to what I need: no cap, and because I like being under the steamer I tend to go like 25-10-10, because on the first round I usually let it go til it goes off (I have a huetiful one that only steams about 25 minutes at a time). HTH! Try it, you might like the way it works :yep: