While transitioning did you ignore your ends?


Well-Known Member
...I find that I'm guilty of neglecting my permed hair because of the thought "you'll be gone once I'm fully natural anyway..." Sometimes while using my hair products I'm genorous on the new growth but sparring on the permed section, again w/ the sub-thought that this part of my hair will eventually be gone. I know, this is BAD.

Any other transitioners (former/current) guilty of this type of hair abuse?
yess all the time, i ignore them. Unfortunately they split up until the natural part though, so recently i've started taken care of them, because I don't want to be forced to chop due to breakage before i'm ready.
No, I do not ignore them because they are giving me the perfect opportunity to experiment with products as I transistion..protein vs. moisture---I snip monthly anyway. I used ORS carrot{protein} on my crunchy ends yesterday...good job on them too..so I will not ignore them..I'd like to keep my relaxed ends as long as possible.
i didnt know how long my transition was going to be cause i initially wanted to make it to APL before i BC'd so i baggied and bunned...they were also pretty healthy towards the end cause i did a mini chop in april.
Since I am never getting rid of my ends, I can't ignore them now. However for a while I almost forgot about my ends being texlaxed.:ohwell: