Which way do wash your hair.....

Shower, definitely, definitely. I try to not 'flip' my hair up at all - if I need to get to my back hairline, I turn MYSELF upside down.... seems to make detangling much easier.
In the shower in my apt, in the sink at my parent's house
Detangling is definately easier in the shower under the running water as opposed to upside down
In the shower. The pressure from the shower head is the best detangler. Plus, I wash my hair using the Crown and Glory method, in 2 to 4 sections (depending on how much new growth I have)...and that would be difficult to do in the sink.
In the shower. The pressure from the shower head is the best detangler. Plus, I wash my hair using the Crown and Glory method, in 2 to 4 sections (depending on how much new growth I have)...and that would be difficult to do in the sink.

Can you explain this method to me. How and when do you apply shampoo and condioner... meaning before or after you braid your hair in sections.
I use to do it in the sink when my hair was shorter, but after it got longer, it tangled more in the sink, so it's the shower for me, letting the water run straight down my hair.
In the shower, detangling with conditioner and the water. I used to wash my hair in the sink tho just before coming to LHCF when my hair was shorter.
Most of the time in the shower...once in a while in the sink and I detangle how I would in the shower - conditioner and/or water running through it

I'll wash in the sink if I'm doing a few steps (deep condition, aphogee treatment) and I don't feel like going back and forth in the shower
Bending over the bath tub always because I hate to feel shampoo and conditioner on my skin. It itches like you won't believe so I never wash my hair in the shower.
I wash in the shower. The only exception is when I get a relaxer. The shower makes it exceptionally easy to detangle, otherwise I would have to whip my hair back causing more tangles after getting out of the shower.
Most of the time in the shower...once in a while in the sink and I detangle how I would in the shower - conditioner and/or water running through it

I'll wash in the sink if I'm doing a few steps (deep condition, aphogee treatment) and I don't feel like going back and forth in the shower

Bending over the bath tub always because I hate to feel shampoo and conditioner on my skin. It itches like you won't believe so I never wash my hair in the shower.

SInce you ladies wash bending over, how do you avoid tangles and knots?