Which vitamins stimulate GROWTH?


New Member
Which vitamins stimulate growth? I'm not necessarily looking for ones that are for thickness as I already have way too much thickness. If thickness come with the growth then thats cool but I'm looking for vitamins that stimulate faster hair growth:)
I don't know what actually makes your hair grow quicker, but apparently your hair likes zinc and biotin. I've heard some stuff about silica too. Maybe look up a vitamin handbook what nutrients are required for hair growth and make sure you're getting enough of each.
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biotin, super b complex, silica, msm, choline/inositol, zinc, l-cysteine, sea kelp, green tea, garlic, sulfur, alfafa, spirulina, hydrolized collagen hum i know i forgot some others that promote and stimulate growth
dang ekomba you know them all, lol

hmm i was thinking of taking Lecithin which is comprised of soy or something, and choline/inositol
CarLiTa said:
dang ekomba you know them all, lol

hmm i was thinking of taking Lecithin which is comprised of soy or something, and choline/inositol

yeah i know :lachen: i ve been a hair board stalker and took many of them now so all you have to do is find in fact a hair vitamin that contains most of them and supplement the rest yep lecithin is very good and combined with choline/inositol faster growth!
We always talk about vits but never about the right dosage for them to work. Sometimes vits dont work cause you dont take the right doses i m post some these are good doses if you suffer from hair loss/alopecia/baldness or just want faster growth:i knew i forgot some vitamin b6 (50mg 3times daily) enhances growth, vit e (start with 400iu then slowly increase to 800-1000iu) increases scalp circulation, hair growth and oxygen to cells, zinc(50-100mg daily) promotes hair growth by enhancing immune functions, copper chelate 3mg daily it works with zinc to aid in hair growth, kelp 5tablets daily it supplies minerals for hair growth, L-cysteine 500mg twice daily it improves hair growth and texture and also in the amino acids:l-methionine 1000-2000mg taken on empty stomach with vitamins b6 and c for better assimilation helps prevent hair from falling out, and ornithine 1000-2000mg releases growth hormone and glutathione 1000-2000mg stimulates skin,glands and soft tissue

Now the herbs that combat hair loss/alopecia.baldness or give faster growth are alfafa, birch,leaves,burdock,calendula(marigold),chapartal,comfrey,dwarf nettle,horsetail,maiden hair,nettle,rosemary,wormwood(if worms in scalp is a factor)

And the food that can stimulate growth and also combat hair loss/baldness/alopecia are asparagus, barley,buckweat,cabbage,figs,kelp,millet,oats,onions,rice,romaine lettuce, rye,sesame seeds,spinach, strawberries and tomatoes. i heard that tomato are supposed to be a no no hair food but apparently its not true i read in a holistic health book its good for hair loss

So basically you dont have to overdose in vitamins but just concentrate on 2-4 that gives you the most complete nutrition and read labels i try even for greases or anything to incorporate the ingredients above like i would take this list to the bss and then when i see new products i see if it had any of those growing vits, food or herbs in their labels. trust me it s an overall thing if you stick to the things that make hair grow from your diet to your vits to your poo and oils you will reap the benefits as everything works in synergy
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I know that B-Complex combined with amino acids works- it works for me. (But the amino acids gave me baaaad breakouts :confused: so that's off the list now)
Now I'm taking iron, Multi vit wih high B-Complex, zinc, L-Cysteine, EPO (Sometimes...) and Biotin, and it seems to be working. :)
It's said that overall good health is reflected in our hair; so if you try to improve your diet by cutting down on fats, including loads of protein AND take supplements generally good for overall health- i.e EFAs, Multivitamin and minerals etc. you'll probably see a difference in growth.
