Which relaxers allow you to stretch longer?


New Member
I used ORS Lye the last time I relaxed and although it makes your hair feel lovely the first 2 to 3 weeks. It leaves a weird undperprocessed texture after a while and becomes dull.. Anyone have any suggestions on good relaxers that won't leave me over or underprocessed but it will actually straighten my hair? I used Affirm regular before and it left my hair soft and bone straight but I had breakage due to the strength she used.
My stylist uses affirm firberguard and it is the best relaxer I have ever used. After 13 weeks I still have shine and my hair is still soft.
My stylist uses Designer's Touch Texturizer/Relaxer. It's a lye relaxer I believe. I've never had any problems weeks down the line. It seems to get my hair super straight when first done, then once it's "worn in" after a few washes my hair is great. I never get it bone straight though and I've seen no breakage that I'd attribute to the relaxer.

The pics of me below are all with this relaxer freshly done. Pics in my fotki are of course of the weeks following w/ wash/flat iron or rollerset, etc.
It hard because every head is different. I really liked Designer's Touch but it revert on me.

ORS lye normal has lasted a long time on my head.

The other 2 that lasted for me was Barry Fletcher and Optimum multi mineral relaxer. Everything else that I've tried reverted since self relaxing which could have something to do with it. Right now I'm using the ORS but I've only used it once so I'll see if he will continue to work for me.
I use the kids Just For Me relaxer. I like it alot because its gentle on my hair and allows me to stretch for up to six months.