Which Relaxer is Used in the CURVE Salon Silkener?


New Member
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know which relaxer is used in the Curve Salon Silkener?

I have heard some say that it is Affirm but after visiting their web site, I am willing to guess that it is Affirm BUT the Fiberguard Mild Lye formula.

Anyone know if this is accurate? TIA

I saw in another thread yesterday that it is Affirm Fiberguard mild lye. Now that we know which brand they use, has anyone been able to duplicate these results on their own?
Oh, so it is the Affirm Fiberguard mild lye...
That explains why eveyone's Silkener looks so healthy because that relaxer is supposed to leave your hair in good shape even though it is a chemical.
If anyone finds that thread, could they bump it?

I will be using the Affirm Fiberguard mild lye when I try self-relaxing in August/September. Though I will be going for a little straighter than the "Silkener look" at 60% relaxed.

They said that they leave the mild relaxer in for 5-9 minutes. I will probably leave mine in for 10-12. I guess my next question is: does the application time count towards those 5-9 minutes? Anyone?

Good question... I wonder too. When my natural hair was texturized for the first time the 5-9 mins included the application time. But the areas that had the shortest exposure need correcting, b/c they aren't as 'silky'. The hair done first, from crown to nape was perfect @ 10-12 mins. exposure. I would say it's 40-50% relaxed in the back and only 15-20% in the front.
I am thinking that if I use 3 minutes for application and then another 10-12 minutes for smoothing then I should be in good shape with a mild relaxer. That is, I hope that would give me the 60% straigthening that I want and not more.

Btw, I will definitely be practicing with a thick deep conditioner just so I could get my application down to 3 minutes

I have achieved their results in the back part of my hair. The top of my hair is 4b/2a so that part is either straight naturally or becomes straight from relaxing and has no curl. So basically I can't wear my hair wet.
They must move pretty fast if the total time includes application and smoothing! I guess for self-relaxers/texturizers, it would help to work in multiple sections, and neutralize after each section.
sengschick said:
Great Idea!!! Best Wishes! Let us know how it goes.

[/ QUOTE ]

Will do!

inkysphinx said:
They must move pretty fast if the total time includes application and smoothing! I guess for self-relaxers/texturizers, it would help to work in multiple sections, and neutralize after each section.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wish that I could have the Silkener done once just to experience how quickly they move through the hair before I try doing it myself...but I don't think that the experience is worth $180

If that's mild, I don't want regular lye! Whoo! As soon as Miko put that lye in my hair, she had to take it right out, my scalp was an inferno!
My hair looks good though...As soon as I get some pics, I'll add them on to my album.