Which Protein Should I Add to My Relaxer?


Well-Known Member
I have two types of protein that I purchased from Lotioncrafters about two months ago. I have silk amino acids and I think the other one is wheat protein. Which is the best to add to my relaxer? How much should I be adding? Is it ok to add proteins to the ORS No Lye relaxer?

TIA for your help!
Hey Divine. I would say silk amino acids.

I don't think you would get negative results with the other its just that there is literature about the benefits of silk amino acids with the relaxer process and its the only one I have really seen here that has been done with different people with consistent results.
Should I be adding the SAA directly on new growth before letting my friend give me touch up? Or is adding it to the relaxer suffice? How much should I add to the relaxer, a capful?

Sorry for all of the questions ladies, but my friend is going to give me a touch up tonight.
I have added about a capful of SAA to relaxers. Now I use Neutral Protein Filler and put the silk on my hair. Both get great results. I also added a little oil. My hair came out straighter, smoother, stronger, and none of that usual dry, crispy after-touch up hair. I love it.
Thanks Brownie!

Is the Protein Filler found in Sally's and in a gray bottle (I think it was a gray bottle)? I was in there yesterday, but I wasn't sure if that was the correct one. The lady in there said that it was the only protein that they sale. She said it stinks but works. :yep:

Did your hair have bounce even after adding all of these things to the relaxer?

I'm using the ORS No Lye relaxer and wonder if I additional oil to it if that would be an overkill, since the relaxer already has olive oil in it.

How much oil do you add to your relaxer?
I got this one from Sally's:

I kind of eyeballed the oil. I just poured a little in there 'cause I was scared to use it. Maybe a teaspoon or so. I plan on using both next time.:yep:
I got this one from Sally's:

I kind of eyeballed the oil. I just poured a little in there 'cause I was scared to use it. Maybe a teaspoon or so. I plan on using both next time.:yep:

Can you use this on your eyelashes, too? I still really love using CHI Silk Protein on my NG just before relaxing. Love it! :yep:
SerenityPeace, thanks girl for posting the picture!

I'm going back to Sally's on my lunch break and pick this up.
What exactly does the SAA do for the hair when you add it to the relaxer?
Does it prevent the hair from getting too straight?
I have a full bottle sitting under my bathroom cabinet collecting dust.
I have two types of protein that I purchased from Lotioncrafters about two months ago. I have silk amino acids and I think the other one is wheat protein. Which is the best to add to my relaxer? How much should I be adding? Is it ok to add proteins to the ORS No Lye relaxer?

Divine, what is the purpose of adding proteins to the relaxer??? I must have missed that thread.
Here's an explanation that I copied from another thread. Also check out LadyEsquire's Self Relax Support Thread.

Explanation by Navsgeda

I'm going to give a quick summary. Basically, silk can form a protective covering over the hair to prevent it from being damaged from alkaline materials, such as the chemicals in relaxers. So the next time you relax, try to use something with hydrolyzed silk protein in it (such as CHI Silk Infusion) before putting the chemicals on your hair.

The short and sweet version:


"After silk protein on the hair dries, it becomes a transparent crystalline protective film. This film can directly prevent the hair being damaged by alkaline materials in hair products. This protective film can increase the hair elasticity and increase the hair’s natural shine. It has a very special protective function in hair products."

But for those of you who need the hardcore science to believe and don't want to listen to me drone on and on:

Here's an explanation that I copied from another thread. Also check out LadyEsquire's Self Relax Support Thread.

Explanation by Navsgeda

I'm going to give a quick summary. Basically, silk can form a protective covering over the hair to prevent it from being damaged from alkaline materials, such as the chemicals in relaxers. So the next time you relax, try to use something with hydrolyzed silk protein in it (such as CHI Silk Infusion) before putting the chemicals on your hair.

The short and sweet version:


"After silk protein on the hair dries, it becomes a transparent crystalline protective film. This film can directly prevent the hair being damaged by alkaline materials in hair products. This protective film can increase the hair elasticity and increase the hair’s natural shine. It has a very special protective function in hair products."

But for those of you who need the hardcore science to believe and don't want to listen to me drone on and on:


Interesting. I have CHI silk infusion at home catching dust. I'm going to apply some to my ng and hair on the day of my next relaxer. Maybe I'll add a little to my Matrix Prizms plus. Sounds good to me.
Here's an explanation that I copied from another thread. Also check out LadyEsquire's Self Relax Support Thread.

Explanation by Navsgeda

I'm going to give a quick summary. Basically, silk can form a protective covering over the hair to prevent it from being damaged from alkaline materials, such as the chemicals in relaxers. So the next time you relax, try to use something with hydrolyzed silk protein in it (such as CHI Silk Infusion) before putting the chemicals on your hair.

The short and sweet version:


"After silk protein on the hair dries, it becomes a transparent crystalline protective film. This film can directly prevent the hair being damaged by alkaline materials in hair products. This protective film can increase the hair elasticity and increase the hair’s natural shine. It has a very special protective function in hair products."

But for those of you who need the hardcore science to believe and don't want to listen to me drone on and on:


now thats hot!!:grin: very good explanation. i do miss Navsgeda:grin:
and janeemat....you have chi silk infusions collecting dust????:naughty:
divine, what type of relaxer do you use?
oops...i just remembered i owe you that info for the store. the name is knights but i'll get you the number and stuff.
you know i got the elucence relaxer. and i know you know this but i am in LOVE with that conditioner!! EXCELLENT!!!:grin:
Interesting. I have CHI silk infusion at home catching dust. I'm going to apply some to my ng and hair on the day of my next relaxer. Maybe I'll add a little to my Matrix Prizms plus. Sounds good to me.

Where did you find the Matrix Prizms?? Ebay?
oops...i just remembered i owe you that info for the store. the name is knights but i'll get you the number and stuff.
you know i got the elucence relaxer. and i know you know this but i am in LOVE with that conditioner!! EXCELLENT!!!:grin:

Girl, I had forgotten myself until this morning when I was driving into work. Then got to work and forgot to PM you. Thanks girl, there's no rush on the information.

Girl, the conditioner is the bomb! I have my hair pulled back and I put some all over my hair today (to coat my pre-relaxed strands) in preparation for my touch up this evening.
now thats hot!!:grin: very good explanation. i do miss Navsgeda:grin:
and janeemat....you have chi silk infusions collecting dust????:naughty:
divine, what type of relaxer do you use?

Yes! Can you believe that as much as that little bottle cost. I only rollerset my hair, so I have not had a reason to use it. Give me some more tips.
yes...i use it sometimes right before i blow dry my hair.
most definitely before i flat iron
i used to use it every or every other day right before i wrapped my hair at nite. i dont use it everyday anymore because i discovered aveda smooth infusions serum and that really makes my hair feel good. they both do but i'm into smooth infusions and its new to me so i'm head over heels for it right now:drunk:. just like i am with elucence conditioner!! i had people at work petting my head:lachen: its so so smooth and super soft!! i look at it every day in the shower and say....i love that stuff:look: