Which Omega and Calcium supplements are you taking?


New Member
My doc told me I should be taking fish oil every day and that Norwegian is best. So I was considering the Carlson brand. But I know that only covers Omega 3. What are ya'll taking, and are you also incorporating Omega 6 and 9?

And I know I need calcium as well because I'm not a huge fan of milk (unless it's chocolate, which is counterproductive) or yogurt (too much sugar or full of artificial sweetners.) Which brand of calcium are you taking? And are you taking it with Vit D and magnesium?

(also asked in Health forum, but 1 suggestion. Thx!)
I take Nature Made Fish Oil and do not incorporate Omega 6 or 9. I like the Nature Made Fish Oil because they're not too big and don't smell fishy (but do have some sort of smell that I can't describe). I just recently started taking Nature Made's odorless ones though because that's all that was in stock the day I ran out. If you prefer absolutely no smell at all, the odorless ones are better.

For calcium, I take Citracal Calcium Citrate Supplements. I take calcium citrate because they don't have to taken with food. Vitamin D is also in these supplements. I think they have one that has magnesium. I don't take anything with magnesium. I'm like you I don't like milk unless its chocolate. I started having bone loss and had to do something.
Carlsons very finest fish oil lemon flavor is good it makes ur skin glow
Carlson also has calcium and D pills i took those before
Barlean's Omega Swirl. It's so delicious and contains all of the omegas. :yep:

As far as calcium goes, I depend on chlorella to give me all that I need, including calcium. :)
I take Nordic Naturals I like it because of the methods used in processing, the oil is screened for mercury and I do not get the burp taste. In the winter I use the 100% cod liver oil and in the summer I use the Omega 3 lemon. I do not use omega 6 as I eat meat so it is not needed and I get omega 9 from my diet nuts and a tablespoon of olive oil daily.

As for calcium I have been taking Rainbow food-based calcium. So far it seems fine I have been using it for about a month. I liked it because it is whole food based instead of synthetic and it is once a day.