Which is the culprit?


New Member
In 90ml water (about 3oz) I added Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Hydrolyzed Oats, Honeyquat, and Silk Amino Acids, 2.25ml each, which is 2.5% of 90ml. I also added 1ml acv to the mix. I had applied Alter ego leave-in conditioner and a little oil to my hair before using the mix to rewet my hair while roller setting. It provided slip which made it easy to comb but my hair dried a little crunchy. Finger combing it a little brought the softness back so my hair wasn't hard or anything. All of them are supposed to provide moisture so I was surprised. The only good thing out of this is I don't need a setting lotion since my curls are holding really well, a little too well in fact since I don't want this much curls.

Does anyone know which of the items is causing this? While I like what it does, I would like to use it in smaller portion since it is pretty effective.

My guess would be the Hydrolyed Wheat Protein.

Does the Alter-Ego L-I have any protein in it? How does your hair handle protein?
My hair does fine with protein. The Alter Ego conditioner doesn't have protein in it. I have used it before without the crunchy feel.

I think since i'm using them all together at once, I will reduce the amount I use, maybe use 1 - 1.5%. My curls are still holding, it won't fall. It maybe a good thing if that was what I was trying to achieve. lol

Thanks for the feedback.

My guess would be the Hydrolyed Wheat Protein.

Does the Alter-Ego L-I have any protein in it? How does your hair handle protein?