Which is best pressed or relaxed ?


New Member
Right now I am pressing my hair but I am reading about all of the heat damage pressing does so I am thinking of getting a relaxer but I do not want all of those chemicals to be in my hair. So what do you guys think I should do press or relax. Please don't say go natural because I have some nappppppppy hair.
I don't think I understand your post. If you're pressing your hair but aren't already natural, then are you texturized? If you don't want the chemicals of a relaxer, maybe you could minimize the pressing and do it twice a month instead of 4 times a month (cut in half what you're already doing).
. . . I won't say "go natural" but . . .

I will say that some believe pressed hair (that is not heat-damaged) generally speaking is healthier than relaxed hair, because we're talking natural hair versus chemically treated and somewhat stripped hair. I would admit that my relaxed hair is weaker than my natural hair was, even with protein treaments.

But I hear you on the "nappy". I relaxed my hair because I cannot press my hair to save my life. I also opted for convenience . . . the convenience of not having to touchup my hair with heat every three days to maintain the straight look . . . the convenience of coming in from the rain and having my hair still look presentable . . . and the convenience of being able to wash it more often. (With pressed hair, I only washed it every two weeks because I too was concerned about heat damage).

But girrrrrrl, there are so many cute styles out there now for natural hair. Staying away from chemicals leaves you with the ability to wear your hair straight or curly or wavy or in braids or puffs . . . You can play around with it more and not be aaaaas worried with breakage (IMO). Anyway, natural is definately in my future.

Michelle, if you don't mind me asking, is your hair heat damaged?

--perfect peace
How about having your hair flat ironed? Do you typically have your hair done professionally or do you do it yourself?
It is healthier for the hair to be pressed rather than relaxed, as the chemicals breaks down the proteins in the hair but if you overuse heat, it could damage the hair quickly. If you prefer wearing straight styles, press once a month, to be on the safe side. Personally, I'm a natural considering texturizing, I can still wear cornows, twists styles with a little less shrinkage and more managebility, its easier for me, to do so. Anyway, good luck on whatever choice you make
IMO if you want to wear your hair straight all the time you should get a relaxer. I think having it relaxed a few times a year (every 10-12 weeks) is less damaging than pressing it once a week (or more).

It has been a few decades since I've tried to maintain a pressed style. But I remember just taking a bath and washing my face would wreak havoc on my 'do...
IMO, flat ironing is much safer than having chemicals in your hair even the pressing comb, especially if you like to color/highlight your hair, swim, work out alot b/c relaxed heads have to worry about those extra chemicals on top of what's already there. When I pressed more often I was still only pressing once a month. It depends on your lifestyle and what look you want. Have you looked at texturizing? Someone on this board said that your only one bad relaxer away from staring from scratch again.
some old school women (like over 40) believe that pressing is better for your hair. i've heard numerous women say that when they were growing up they got great length from pressing, but alot of breakage from perms. my mother who cannot take any type of relaxers in her hair and currently has a texturizer even experienced length and health with pressing and she has very thin and fine hair.

as for me i've stopped experiencing my hair problems once i tossed the perm, but like i said alot of women will swear by a pressing comb.
I preffer the look of my hair after it has been pressed rather than when I was maintaining straight styles when I was relaxed. To be honest, I don't think that my hair could tolerate any straightening chemicals and I didn't like the "lightness" of my strands when I was relaxing my hair because it was more prone to being damaged. The majority of the time , I am usually wearing my hair in natural styles to prevent any unnessecary heat damage and I preffer to wear some natural hair styles too because I think they look nice.
What exactly are you trying to achieve with your hair? the health of the hair or the style of wearing it straight? I think if you figure which is more important, it will help to narrow down your decision to go natural or relax your hair. hth
everyone is different, for me, pressed hair is better. when i wore straight styles, my pressed hair was healthier than my relaxed hair.

right now, it is its healthiest. i am natural.
Thanks to all of you that posted. I think that I am going to continue pressing. Right now I am using I hot plug in comb but I want a flat iron can you guys give me some names of I good one thats less than 60 dollars, and also a good hair protectant. Thanks again
A hair product that works for me, extra strength frizz eaze and Proclaim spray glosser (light oils). Jilbere (Sally's has it) ceramic flat iron w/ heat dial is better than the regular one less potential damge to a hair.
for me pressing is better, my hair looks thicker and healthier than it was when I had a relaxer, I have very little broken hair, I do not use a pressing comb, I use a ceramic flat Iron and that straightens my hair and I beleive it is much safe than the pressing comb. Since pressing my hair is longer and healthier and thicker. I do beleive its a choice you make, and learn to maintain.
What kind of look are you going for? personally, my pressed hair always looked smoother, straighter and healthier than my relaxed hair. amazingly my relaxed hair looked more poofy and dry in straight styles. the biggest drawback to pressing is that all that heat is damaging, therefore you tend to press only once or twice a month, meaning you end up washing less, hence your hair doesnt recieve the moisture that it needs cause you try to avoid wetting it or using water based products to maintain the straightness. also not being able to wash often may cause your scalp to be uncomfortable and your hair gets dirty.

So since you dont like the "nappy" look...if your able to put up with washing less, pressing every two weeks is a good option. But...if you like to wash your hair more often you may be better off getting a mild relaxer and wet seting.

I like pressing because its temporary and i can wash it out and wear my natural hairstyles.