Which hairstyles for broken edges :( ? very frustrated


Well-Known Member
I've lost some density at my hairline. twists at the front are very ridiculous:nono: . It's very frustrated because that's, with my face, what people sees first:sad: .
I want to stop wearing the wig(la jay) but now, what can I do for hiding this. I'm looking for a job and it's very ugly.
styles with my own hair aren't nice because you first see the hairline.
styles with extensions i'm always reading that it's not good to put stress on your hairline.
so.. I don't know..
I don't even know where does this problem from. I've worn La jay wig for one month(january), without a wig cap. it may be the cause, but last winter I did the same and didn't have a problem in 6 months of wearing the wig without wig cap.

it's very frustrated, if it was me I would wear headwraps but I can't looking for a job with a headwrap it's not professionnal for people. neither a flower.


I have issues with a very thin hairline due to relaxer damage..........I would part the twists smaller I would also part your hair diagonally as opposed to straight across so that the twists fall over each other thus hiding/disguising the sparse area HTH.
Your edges don't look broken off to me... It just looks like the hair is finer there. You can make your twists look 'thicker' if you twist on dry hair with minimal product.

ETA: temfash Excellent advice! I do the same thing. :lol: My hair is super duper fine in the front, so I have to disguise it some how.
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I agree with the posters that say your hairline is not bod looking, but we are our own worst critic.

Nappynelly and temfash gave some good and practical advice.
Honestly it doesn't look that bad to me??

Jamaican black castor oil had really helped...keeping them moisturized and my trusty eco styler!

My edges aren't thin-thin but the look very odd in twistouts and the like if they are not slicked down... Hope this helps :)
I agree with NappyNelle. Your hair is just real fine in the front. But it may be less dense as you said. I have the same issue. Mine was just a factor of aging. I have started massaging castor oil in that area every other day to help it out some.

I also agree with temfash on making the twist smaller and parting them at an angle. I do a 3 to 1 ratio in the front. I put 3x as many twist in the front versus the middle and the back. If I want to do larger sections of hair I do a flat twist with the section of hair to make it look fuller.

I know someone says they looked fuller when done on dry hair but my hair actually looks fuller when done on damp hair. The twists puff more and take up more space.

:yawn:thanks to yall for replying to me.

i've said breakage because all the hair strands in the front and side is almost CBL but some parts like this one are like this :

yeah also thinner i forget the word.

NappyNelle, they were done on dry hair with very minimal product(flaxseed gel)
temfash, I don't know if youve seen the difference between the two pictures. the 2nd picture is when I first twist. and then(the1st picture) I decided to part smaller, but i can't go smaller than this(or maybe I can but they will be like 3-4mm of diameter) maybe it's the "zoom" but in fact they are very (talking about the twists at the hairline).
Okay i will try to part in diagonal :yep: will post a pic. and will see if there is a change.
and i will try castor oil too.
I see what you mean. I had issues with my nape at one point. I really started paying attention to that area as if it was a second head of hair. Moisturizing it separately, making sure when I rollerset I set it on it's own rollers. In your situation since the hair is in the front. it will be somewhat different, but it looks like that is mechanical damage from having the hair in twists and friction. Do you sleep on a satin pillowcase? I've found that using bonnets and scarves gave me breakage around the front as well. Once you know what is causing the friction, you can help stimulate growth and moisture with regular washing and oils/moisturizing while it grows back in.
I understand you op! it is very frustrating and i reckon it is mechanical breakage as well!
when i suffered from post partum and lost all my hairline i use to wear twist out and it was january last year, very cold winter and didn't have any problem with retention! and the style was hiding my bold patches!
Your breakage doesn't look terrible to me, but it's clearly making you uncomfortable. For your interviews you should wear a wig if it gives you confidence, and PLEASE wear a wig cap!!! Not a nylon one either. I've posted about the swig cap http://swigcap.com/ before, which I love, and am wearing right now.

Could be all the manipulation, could be the change in weather. I hope you discover the culprit and avoid it. Good luck.