which flat iron should i get?


New Member
im a member of this site called www.teenfx.com which is really a site for teens but i guess anybody can join. im only there just to get me a flat iron. now i have enough points to get me a flat iron but i don't know which one to get. i can either get the wigo jade professional ultimate jade flat iron or the wigo onyx professional ceramic flat iron. can u please help me decide on which one i should get. if u want to see a pic of the flat irons go to that site and at the top page click on fx prizes and scroll all the way down almost to the bottom of the page. thanks in advance!!!!!
i wished they had a CHI on there site but they don't so im just going to get the one of the three that they have on there.
i forgot to mention does anyone knows out of these flat irons does it snags your hair and how many times u have to flat iron your hair to get it straight the reason i ask this because the flat ironed that i had used in the past it took me along time to flat iron my hair. i just want to know does these 2 flat iron your hair quickly.
the flat iron that im planning on getting is on the teenfx site. im not going to pay for it im going to get it for free and both of them are 1inch.
I don't really see what page on the site you are referring to.

Is it one of the contests? If so, register to win all of them, if they're free.
I'm not familiar with any of the irons. There are similar irons by Wigo on folica.com, but not the exact same model. It seems like some of the ceramic ones tend to chip after a while (from the customer reviews on the site).

I don't know how jade is for flat ironing, either. But since it says it's solid jade, maybe that one is better than the ceramic one. At least it won't chip (I guess).

honeydew click on fx prizes at the top of the page and no it's not for a contest.

locfreeme is it ok if it isn't ceramic?