Which do you prefer and why........


Well-Known Member
Ayurvedic shikakai powder + amla powder as:

1. a thick paste applied to hair and left on for 30-60 minutes
2. a tea/rinse applied to hair and left on for 5-15 minutes
3. a braid spray that you spray daily on your hair/braids

I read somewhere that they say to give your hair the most benefits you should give your hair this treatment at least 2 times a week.
I feel a tea rinse would be the best/easiest on the hair...I dont like the paste bc Im thinking it isnt good to manipulate your hair with that stuff in it....tangles/breakage galore.

I had to back off with all this stuff though...I think I was doing too much/using too many different things in my hair and it rebelled (increased shedding/breakage). I clarified/chelated and started back with the basics and Ill go from there.
#2 is the option that i more frequently use because of my limited time. I love it and have been doing it for the last month or so- almost daily.
I prefer #1. I just don't have the patience to make the teas; boiling and straining and cooling and all that stuff. I just mix it up, slap it on, sit under some heat, and rinse it out.:look:
I tried #1 and #2. When I tried #1, I mixed it with Elucence MB and it stopped my shedding dead in its tracks but it was a by***h to rinse out. I only tried #2 once and it rinsed out easily since there were no dried nuts and berries. I'm having more shedding than normal due to the weather, so I can't say if i#2 is doing much but I'm going to keep at it. I guess I'll go with #2 due to the easier rinsing.
I've only used these powders as a rinse, so my vote is for the rinse. I used 1 time a week so I guess I'll need to up my usage a bit to see results.
I prefer #1. I just don't have the patience to make the teas; boiling and straining and cooling and all that stuff. I just mix it up, slap it on, sit under some heat, and rinse it out.:look:

If I try a tea/rinse I wouldn't strain it, I would just make it into a liquidy mixture and then pour it all over my hair. Because it would be dripping everywhere, I think it would be better to do it in the shower. I've also made a braid spray (Miss Alyss recipe) with these ingredients that I use everyday. I read somewhere that they said it's best to use these products at least twice a week to see benefits.
ok, so I've done both and personally, for my fine stands, I prefer the rinse. Less manipulation that way, although I did experience some shedding. I'll continue to see if the shedding stops. Sometimes your hair just has to get used to something new. That and I need to clarify and I just got me a water filter. The lack of these things could have been hurting my hair too :yep:
I prefer the tea. It's so much easier to use. I try to make it the night before and then refrigerate it. The next day I usually bring it to room temperature, but sometimes I use it cold. I also use the braid spray. I added some oils to mine, and it's turned out to be a pretty good detangler.