Where would an appropriate first date be?


New Member
We had originally agreed to meet up at his apartment to watch movies, but as I was about to walk out the door a friend of mine called and said she needed some help.

I took it as a sign. I picked her up and then got to thinking....maybe someone's apartment is not an appropriate first date. Should I stick to restaurants, bowling alleys, the such?

I agreed to the apartment thing because he's tall. He's 6'4. And Im short 4'4 so I don't want him towering over me the first date. :ohwell: Can yall give me some tips on how to be more assertive on where I wanna go for dates. (I'm stuck in there "Where do YOU wanna go" and I don't know that many first date ideas
Do you all want to get to know each other or go out and have fun? I think something casual and simple like a coffee shop is a great place to meet-up. It doesn't have the rigidity or formality of dinner at a restaurant.
I think going to someones house to watch a movie on a first date is sort of inappropriate. In my experience, guys who do this, just want to get to the physical as quickly as possible. It is hard to be assertive about these kinds of things (especially when you are really interested in the guy), but maybe you can kindly suggest that you like to go out and do fun things, and he might get the hint. I'm in college and I know money can always be a problem for some guys, but going out for icecream, then a walk at the park is not going to break the bank.

I guess what I am saying is, don't be afraid to mention a movie that you want to see in the theaters, or a play, a restaurant...anything can be good for a first date. You can even tell him to surprise you (hopefully it still won't be going to his apartment or anything).

Although if you think this guy is a gentleman and you already know him well, then by all means couch it up, lol!

Good luck, and I hope this rambling helped a bit, lol :)
Don't go to his apartment! You can do lots of stuff.....bowling, minigolf, movie, dinner, museum, coffee shop, or a bakery....just off the top of my head. Don't worry about the height difference...just have fun.
I feel like the purpose of a first date is to collect information and discern character. With that said, I think you should go somewhere you can talk without a lot of distractions.
I feel like the purpose of a first date is to collect information and discern character. With that said, I think you should go somewhere you can talk without a lot of distractions.

I agree. Unless you already know each other well the first date should a low-key, low-pressure place to get to know each other. So a coffee place or very casual restaurant. Going to the guy's apartment on a first date is out of the question IMO.
Yeah, his place on a first date sounds off and lazy on his part. Nothing wrong with dinner and drinks, movies, or Bowling.