Where to find garlic shampoo


New Member
I'm looking to purchase some garlic shampoo, but don't want to purchase online. I haven't seen it in any BSS in my area (MD). Where do you garlic heads get your poo?
I lucked up on some Nutrine at the 99 cent store. It looks like they put one bottle on the shelf every couple of months. I can get Spanish Garden brand at the health food store. Kuza and Queen Helene are at the bss, but they aren't very good, IMO.
Is Nutrine very good?
I haven't seenQH at my BSS.

Can you rate the shampoos for me? (Nutrine, Spanish Garden, Kuza, QH)
I like the Nutrine and SG the best. Both the scented and unscented worked the same on my hair. But do yourself a favor and get the unscented.
The QH didn't really stop the shedding and it stripped my hair something awful! When I rinsed out the Kuza, my strands felt glued together. When I read the ingredients again I noticed latex copolymer was in it. Which I believe is a fancy word for rubber!
You may be able able to purchase at Latin markets. I use the Nutrine also and it usually stops my shedding with the first wash.
I got some Spanish Garden last night from the Houston meet up, I will be using it today !


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I use the queen helene with no problem. Wnen I went looking for it though I met up with some ghetto resistance. I went to Sally's and asked two salespeople if they had garlic shampoo. One said she'd heard of it but wasn't sure if they had it. The other said in a loud voice(we were standing right next to her) "GARLIC SHAMPOO I WOULD NEVER USE ANYTHING LIKE THAT ON MY HAIR!! While she was lookimg crazy at me her hair and ends looked like they were ready to jump ship from dryness and neglect. I just shook my head and went to the BSS next door where they led me right to it. Also I use this as my first lather and CON as my second lather.
Just keep it simple and add just a little garlic powder not salt to what ever you need it for, poo, condish, DC, CW. It will stop hair from breakin on the spot. Try it and let me know how you like it. Like I said ladies just a little, add it in one of small bottles of poo or whatever and keep it on hand.