Where to buy and how to use Megatek??


New Member
I know I know .... Im sure this has been posted before but if you ladies could just help me out that would be great. Where online can I buy Megatek. And how do you ladies use it in your regimen...thanks in advance!!
I've purchased from doversaddlery as well, but the second time around I purchased from Eqyss directly because I wanted to try a few of their other products such as the Rehydrant Spray and Survivor, and dover was out of stock. They ship pretty quickly though. Eqyss is taking forever (they're in Cali and I'm in GA).

As far as how I use it... I mix it with a little emu oil and put the mixture in a small jar (for easier application). I usually "grease" my scalp with this mixture every day or every other day. I'm thinking of trying it on the length of my hair like a conditioner at least twice a week. I've been getting excellent growth with the scalp method though. Google "emu oil".... it's a very penetrating growth oil.
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I got mine from victorycanter.com. Ordered it the day after Thanksgiving...it finally got here yesterday. It was $30.23 w/shipping. For now I'm applying it to my scalp straight and co-washing daily. We'll see what happens.