Where Should My Hair Be?


New Member
Unlike most, I started my natural journey at scalp length... aka from scratch. I did not wait three months and then do a big chop. I allowed my hair to grow and just chopped off the relaxed ends as time went on. I eventually had all my relaxed ends chopped at the 9 month mark, and now my hair stretches to in between my eyes in the front. The back of my hair has suffered the most from relaxing so lots of the back is still pretty low. The section right above the back of my hair stretches to the top of my neck. The side of my hair stretches to midneck length. I trimmed a little after my 9 month mark when I believed I had the dreaded scabbed hair.

So my question is directed to ladies who's journey parallel's mine... from scratch.. How long was your hair after one year?

I am trying to gauge whether I am a slow or fast grower. Right now, I won't be factoring in my trims because I don't even know how much I cut off all together after my hair was certifiably natural.
OP, I did the same thing you did, transitioned by trimming a little at a time every 6-8 weeks. I started when I had about one inch growth. In 12 months, all my relaxed hair was gone and I had as much natural hair as shown in the pic below, which was about 5-6 inches:


I just measured the back of my neck and it appears that it is about 5 inches from base of neck to nape so I guess I was about where you are now at 9 months.

ETA: My forehead is 3 inches long , so between where my eyes are might be 3.5 inches...and so at the rate of 0.5 inches a month, that would explain the additional 1.5 inches in 3 months. So you seem to be growing your hair at the rate I was, give or take--depending on how frequently you trim and how much you take off.
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Everyone who goes natural starts at scalp length whether they transition for 9 months, which is what you did, even though you trimmed along the way or big chopped at 3 months or even shave their head the morning they decide they want to go natural.

If you want to know whether you are a fast, normal or slow grower it is very simple, break out your ruler or measuring tape. Allow half an inch a month for each month you have not had a relaxer, you should have around 4 to 4.5 inches. You will know where you stand easily and quickly.