I don't remember a recent one, only one from last year. If you do start one I'd love to join. I hope to be full, healthy APL by this time next year. I'm sure I'll reach APL before then, but I want to trim and help the catch up.
I would also like to join. I'm embarrassed to say - don't really know what you do in a challenge though. :confused:
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Ooo-Ooo-Ooo :bouncegre Count me in
This would be my first challenge and I'm gun-ho! Just let me know the rules and I'll give it a shot.
I think the last APL challenge ended in June.

I would like to join the next one. I want 3 more inches by the end of the year. I've been trimming for the first half of the year to even up some sections, and now I'm ready to grow.
So I went back and looked at how the APL challenge that just ended was conducted and from what I can see there were no rules to follow like with GHLW or Hide-your till christmas. It was basically the ladies picked a date that was 6 months out I believe then everyone posted their personal hair care regimens and gave periodic updates. What ya'll think? Should we just do the same thing?
I was not trying to start a challenge...I just wanted to join one but since there is not a new apl challenge...what the hell...let's do it... ladies....as some one mentioned there doesn't have to be any rules just like the hide hair until christmas challenge....we can show our progress christmas because I am hiding my hair until christmas....we will not show any progress pictures until christmas and if we need to extend our date after christmas... we will...any more suggestions?...we can begin today.....and our end goal will be christmas....we can always continue after christmas if we have not reached apl....let's grow ladies...:bouncy:
dontspeakdefeat said:
I'd like to join an apl challenge too. I have about 2 inches to go.

I am so honored dsd...I have stalked your album forever...I know we will reach apl with you on our team...:yay:
Blkbeautyhair said:
So I went back and looked at how the APL challenge that just ended was conducted and from what I can see there were no rules to follow like with GHLW or Hide-your till christmas. It was basically the ladies picked a date that was 6 months out I believe then everyone posted their personal hair care regimens and gave periodic updates. What ya'll think? Should we just do the same thing?

Yes, we can post our regimen and give periodic updates...but NO pictures...