Where is most of your length?


New Member
I am just wondering if there are others out there like me who have most of the length in the back (from just below the crown going down)? I parted my hair from ear to ear and noticed how much breakage I have in my crown area (the hair only reaches to the nape area), which is really not that noticeable when I wear my hair down. I have color in the crown of my hair and I am trying to get this part of my hair to grow. I have tried everything and don't know what else to try. Is there anyone out there that has experienced this same thing? I tried the aphogee protein treament and that has not worked at all. I am still experiencing breakage.

What can I do?
Seeing how you tried the highest level of protein out there and it's still not working I would increase your moisture game.

How often do you wash per week?I would wash/cowash AND deep condition twice a week. Both with moisturizing conditioners. Also I would make a spray concoction out of your fav moisturizing condish, some oil,a nd some water and use that daily. I am telling you, it's like conditioning every day. I love it.

I know yo don't use heat a lot so I don't think I have to tell you that. But keep the heat/low manipulation and keep it solid. I hope someone else out here can give you better advice.

What kind of poo/con/moisturizer are you using?
My most length is in the back of my hair too. My crown is the shortest, and the front and sides are in between.
Most of my length is at the front half of my head.....if that length was in the rear of my head I'd be at APL by now :ohwell:
I wash once per week with NTM products which I just recently started using. I am new to the board and am still trying to figure out what products will or won't work for me. I love the NTM cream lather shampoo and the deep recovery hair mask! But I need something else. Truthfully, I Know the heat is what did it in the first place because I used to use the blow dryer and flat iron - both on low. I have tried air drying and my hair is a nightmare to deal with next day. It swells and is extremely hard to comb, which results in more breakage. I am just feeling so frustrated right now because I am taking MSM, biotin, flaxseed oil, silica and a multi and I don't see much difference. I am wondering if maybe putting a temporary color over it would help? I am just so frustrated with my hair right now, I don't know what else to do! :(
2cute2B4gotten said:
I wash once per week with NTM products which I just recently started using. I am new to the board and am still trying to figure out what products will or won't work for me. I love the NTM cream lather shampoo and the deep recovery hair mask! But I need something else. Truthfully, I Know the heat is what did it in the first place because I used to use the blow dryer and flat iron - both on low. I have tried air drying and my hair is a nightmare to deal with next day. It swells and is extremely hard to comb, which results in more breakage. I am just feeling so frustrated right now because I am taking MSM, biotin, flaxseed oil, silica and a multi and I don't see much difference. I am wondering if maybe putting a temporary color over it would help? I am just so frustrated with my hair right now, I don't know what else to do! :(

Girl I used to feel the same exact way. Then I found Sylve2's fotki and she has an airdrying tutorial in her fotki which I think is very cool. I would check that out. I don't think her password is in her profile so I would drop her a pm.

Also, I wanted to note that combing air-dried hair to me is a nono. The only time I comb my hair is wash day and that is when I am detangling. maybe you should try that. It helps me out A LOT. Also you should use a really high silicone leave-in when airdrying such as NTM silk touch, or even smooth on some serum before you cover your hair with your scarf. It helps smooth the hair better It's all about trial and error.

Personally I would find a better deep conditioner. This is only my opinion and I wouldn't feel right not telling you. *I* think NTM deep conditioner is loaded with cones and oils which do not provide moisture only smoothness and sleekness. Ones that i recommend are Nexxus Humectres, Keracare Humecto, garnier long and strong, and elucence ( a lot of ladies love it here, I never tried it) but there are loads of others. Make sure you have a very moisturizing daily moisturizer too.

Oh, I am so sorry that I am being long-winded I am just trying to address all of your issues. Putting a rinse will not stop the breakage. All a rinse does is stain the hair strands. But I do recommend it if you want to cover up the color, but make sure it has no ammonia/peroxide, those two ingredients the relaxed hair does NOT get along!
The rear section grows the fastest. There are some parts of my crown that grow pretty fast too. I've noticed the fastest growing sections of my hair (rear and parts of crown) are 3b. The front, middle and nape (which are all majority 4a/b) seem to grow at half the rate.
Hmmm, i dont know exactly.... but my hair tends to grow in that U-shape, so I am guess that somewhere in the middle/crown area, toward the back...... the front and sides are definitely shorter. Although im "Armpit Length" in the back, the hair in the front is just grazing my collar bones.
Most of my length comes from the middle of my head. From my ears down, the hair there barely reaches bra strap. (And that's with some serious care.) I even had to stop perming that area.
I use to stress about it but it's hereditary. Everyone on my father's side of the family hair grows just this way so I know it will never catch up with the rest.
It's a bummer though because if it would just grow like like rest then my hair would be much thicker and longer. Oh well!
My longest strands are always in the lower half of my hair on the sides. I am always having to trim these areas to even out the the rest of my longest layers in the back.
Mine grows most in the middle also.

Love your bun in your picture too! So pretty!
MzTami said:
My most length is in the back of my hair too. My crown is the shortest, and the front and sides are in between.

Ditto! also my crown area seems to be a different texture and the driest part of my head...

---mental note to self : will moisturise problem area more------
My Crown grows the fastest. The other areas grow about the same rate. Right now I have a U in the back. More like a u but I digress. That is weird though because to me the crown is the tightest coiled part. It grows in tight S pattern. I say 4B but it may be 4A. I don't know but the other areas are softer and less tightly coiled especially at the back of my head. The softer less tightly coiled areas grow slower.
I have always had the same problem. My crown is the part of my hair that always seems to break off! It seems to be the coarsest part so I start my relaxer there but it breaks off. I've been really concentrating on that part lately with moisturizing and conditioning and it has definately made an improvement. My longest length is in the back though, so it would look so much fuller if/when I get the crown to catch up!
I just got word from my hair dresser that I have to cut off my hair! You see, my ends are breaking off. I put a relaxer on my whole head, in two months. I wanted to cry when I heard the bad news. What can I do to grow it back quickly or should I just focus on growing it out, then cutting it off, inch by inch? Help!
2cute2B4gotten said:
I wash once per week with NTM products which I just recently started using. I am new to the board and am still trying to figure out what products will or won't work for me. I love the NTM cream lather shampoo and the deep recovery hair mask! But I need something else. Truthfully, I Know the heat is what did it in the first place because I used to use the blow dryer and flat iron - both on low. I have tried air drying and my hair is a nightmare to deal with next day. It swells and is extremely hard to comb, which results in more breakage. I am just feeling so frustrated right now because I am taking MSM, biotin, flaxseed oil, silica and a multi and I don't see much difference. I am wondering if maybe putting a temporary color over it would help? I am just so frustrated with my hair right now, I don't know what else to do! :(

This is long, but bear with me, please. :)

My hair also grows exactly the way you describe: the back grows wildly—no problems. The front and sides grow only about half as fast, but that is normal for me. My crown area has always been a problem spot. However, I have a really good stylist that has helped me get it into recovery. When I first started going to her, the hair in my crown area had broken off to about a half inch at the line of demarcation (from a botched, over-processed relaxer at another stylist). I actually started developing a bald patch! :eek: My stylist was able to analyze the problem and concluded that my texture and hair grade at the crown is vastly different from the rest. As my hair started growing out, I noticed how much more delicate the strands were in that area, and the wave pattern is much deeper. It tangles very easily as well.

To get the area into shape, I initially had bi-weekly pore cleaning treatments and followed up with KerapHix (protein). Roller sets were also critical to keep the ends curled under and protected while growing out. I had to massage the area each morning and evening to increase the blood flow at the crown. I am also anemic, and increased my iron dosage (with my doctor’s permission) because an iron-deficiency can “starve” the scalp by decreasing the blood-oxygen flow. Another critical component was changing the way my hair is relaxed. The crown is the very last part of my hair to have the chemicals applied because if it is too straight, it will break off once I get new growth. (I was relaxing every 5 weeks to avoid this, but can now stretch my relaxers for months with no breakage). Finally, I do not comb the new growth when my hair is dry, especially in that area. If I need to detangle, I use my fingers that are coated in a cream moisturizer.

Since implementing these strategies, my crown, even though it still has catching up to do, has improved immensely—and I am thrilled. :D My stylist just told me recently that the area is no longer a “Problem.” I keep my hair very moisturized (to improve the elasticity in that area), use low-manipulation strategies, and keep a good balance of moisture and protein. I no longer do daily wrap styles on my hair because wrapping leaves the crown exposed and was fighting against my natural growth pattern. I prefer roller sets and ponytails instead. I also keep my hair texlaxed/texturized so the line of demarcation is minimized. :yep:

Quite frankly, the hair on my crown is treated very differently from the rest. It is a completely different hair type and must be treated accordingly. In short, I “baby” it, :lol: and am very happy with the results. I now love the crown area, and feeling the deeply waved new growth. ;)

I know this was long, but I have found recently that many women of my acquaintance are having the same crown-area problems I was. I didn’t do a formal survey or anything, but I notice the problem is more pronounced in women that relax and color their hair (double-processed) and wear wrap styles. According to dermatology reports I’ve read while trying to figure out what was going on with me, I discovered more and more women are having problems with their crown area and believe it to be linked to male-pattern baldness. :eek: Women are developing this balding pattern because we are ingesting more hormone-laced foods, and doctors are recommending an organic diet to combat the effects of hormone-overload. The reports also indicate an increased prevalence of facial hair on women because of the hormones added to food. It’s very scary. :(

I know I went off into a tandem, but I hope truly hope this information helps you (and others) to find a good regimen for your crown area. Just remember it is different, and treat it accordingly. HTH!!!:)
Thank you, Legend for your response. It is much appreciated. I have short hair but I do notice that the crown area is extremely sensitive and has a different texture than the rest. When it grew before, that was the shortest spot on my head. I am now better equipped to deal with this area as it grows again. I love this board.
gemini051987 said:
I just got word from my hair dresser that I have to cut off my hair! You see, my ends are breaking off. I put a relaxer on my whole head, in two months. I wanted to cry when I heard the bad news. What can I do to grow it back quickly or should I just focus on growing it out, then cutting it off, inch by inch? Help!

I think you should make this a separate thread (making sure to include more detail about the situation). That way you will get more opinions and feedback. Im quite sure there is someone on here who has been there and can relate and offer suggestions.
trimbride said:
My Crown grows the fastest. The other areas grow about the same rate. Right now I have a U in the back. More like a u but I digress. That is weird though because to me the crown is the tightest coiled part. It grows in tight S pattern. I say 4B but it may be 4A. I don't know but the other areas are softer and less tightly coiled especially at the back of my head. The softer less tightly coiled areas grow slower.

My crown area grows the fastest as well, like at twice the pace of the rest of my hair. It's more like 3c hair, holds moisture well, a little water and oil and it does whatever I ask...lol.
Shine-On said:
Thank you, Legend for your response. It is much appreciated. I have short hair but I do notice that the crown area is extremely sensitive and has a different texture than the rest. When it grew before, that was the shortest spot on my head. I am now better equipped to deal with this area as it grows again. I love this board.

No problem! :) The crown-area is an issue that is important to me as I struggled to get mine together and have seen other people around me struggle.

OT: I love those curls!!! :love:
My crown is the fastest. The top and sides are slowest. I hate it because the front of my hair seems like it is just staying in place while the back is growing. I can't wear my hair down the way that I would like to without it looking wierd.
loonatick said:
Ditto! also my crown area seems to be a different texture and the driest part of my head...

---mental note to self : will moisturise problem area more------
:yep: my crown is a 4f texture not a or b! My crown is the driest too, it soaks up allllll the moisture as soon as I put it on my head!
gemini051987 said:
I just got word from my hair dresser that I have to cut off my hair! You see, my ends are breaking off. I put a relaxer on my whole head, in two months. I wanted to cry when I heard the bad news. What can I do to grow it back quickly or should I just focus on growing it out, then cutting it off, inch by inch? Help!
Don't do anything drastic to your hair(cut) until you get a second, maybe third opinion!
Also, the LHCF ladies may need to know more about your hair problem to give the best advice.
Good Luck!
Legend said:
No problem! :) The crown-area is an issue that is important to me as I struggled to get mine together and have seen other people around me struggle.

OT: I love those curls!!! :love:

Thank you! :Blush2:
My hair kind of alternates as it grows. Sometimes the front will grow twice as fast as the back or vice versa.

I've never truly uncovered WHY that is, the thickest of my hair is in the crown though, which I do relax first. I relax the thinnest hair (especially the nape area) last. That includes all my edges because they can get way way too straight.

IMO, what it boils down to is care. My hair kinda sorta catches up with itself eventually if I care for it and not having severe breakage.

Some of us have several different hair types on our head which can be a challenge when it comes to caring for it, but the bottom line is don't stress too much unless you're noticing that breakage that is the culprit of your uneven hairline.

Hair has a growth cycle of its own, Instead of fighting it, we can work with it to our advantage.

As long as you are retaining the growth you get through care, then its also possible that it may even out, but also it may not, which is just genetic.

