where forth art thou HE LTR Leave in?


New Member
FOr the past month, I've been to at least 5 different stores and I cannot find Herbal Essences LOng Term relationship leave in conditioner anywhere!!! I've also been to different states looking for it (my job requires that I travel) and I still cant find it! ANyone know anything about it or having the same problem? Has it been discontinued?
I had to order it online because I couldn't find it in any stores either... I don't know if it's been discontinued but I really hope not!
Have you tried Target?That is the ONLY place I have been able to find it in my area.I had been searching for this product for the longest.
I live in NYC the the ONLY place I found it was @ K - Mart. I pretty much searched everywhere, not @ CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, or even the huuuuuuuuuuge beauty supply store that has everything. Lol when I found it I felt like I had just found the Holy Grail or something :)
this is sooo discouraging I recently found this product and I love it! but I have seen a lot of threads where ladies are claiming not to see it in stores.

I really hope this product is not being discontinued! Im experimenting with Paul Mitchels the conditioner just in case HE LTR is leaving us
I have also been to 5 different stores and no luck. I have been to various walmarts and Targets in NJ and NADA, I got my first one from Walmart after seeing it in heavy stock weeks before at Target went back for more and I KNOW LHCF ladies took them:lachen:, the shelves has been empty for over a month.

Funny I was getting desperate and I was going to use the regular conditioner on my hair as a leave in, and here it is, someone else had the same thought, it is just too hard to find the leave in, today I walked into walmart and they had a Blue dot on all things that had to be restocked. HUH
OMG....I thought I was going crazy! I've only seen this at target lately too, but I could have sworn a few years ago when I first started using it it was in CVS and Rite Aid. What the heck is the world coming to! lol :(
This stuff must be the ishhhh. I see more and more threads about not being able to find/purchase this product.