where do you buy your joico

I buy mine at Trade Secret in the mall. They just had their 50% off on liters sale; I stocked up on Joico and my Kenra condish

You can also purchase at the salons in Walmart.
In addition to where I thanked, JC Penney's salons. I try to watch and buy when it is on sale. Unless it is regional specific, SmartStyle (WalMart) has Joico on sale until this weekend. It's a BOGO.
If you live in or near Northern NJ, Westwood Beauty Supply, they have great prices on Joico products.
My friends take me to a Chinese mall in Toronto to buy it cheaper. It's worth it, sometimes it's $10 cheaper with no tax. :giggle:
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I buy mine at Trade Secret in the mall. They just had their 50% off on liters sale; I stocked up on Joico and my Kenra condish

You can also purchase at the salons in Walmart.

is it still on sale? this is the deal i was looking for! I'm running out of some stuff so i need it soon.

In addition to where I thanked, JC Penney's salons. I try to watch and buy when it is on sale. Unless it is regional specific, SmartStyle (WalMart) has Joico on sale until this weekend. It's a BOGO.
cool thanks! is this onlyl at walmarts that have salons? i dont think i have ever seen one in a walmart around here. what is BOGO?

My friends take me to a Chinese mall in Toronto to buy it cheaper. It's worth it, sometimes it's $10 cheaper with no tax. :giggle:
wow - is it the real thing?

Ulta..they have great sales occasionally on Joico products.
this is what i am waiting for - but i missed it, and i need it soon.

Thanks Guys for all your answers! I will look around now and see what i can find!
I love the conditioners and Chelating shampoo, but what about moisture shampoo? Is it as good as conditioners?

Ulta will probably have another liter sale coming up. The last one was in Jan and I think they were $12 or $13.
I love the conditioners and Chelating shampoo, but what about moisture shampoo? Is it as good as conditioners?

I'm wondering this as well

Ulta will probably have another liter sale coming up. The last one was in Jan and I think they were $12 or $13.
Oh thanks for telling this! I will be watching them closely! I hope they have another one soon!
I've purchased from Max Beauty Direct many times.
thanks I'll check this site out as well

are you talking about PMALL? if so, are you sure it's real Joico?? :look:

this is the same thing I'm wondering.... I know china can be good at emulating products
Also, don't forget to look around in places like Ross, Marshells, and TJMax. I just saw some at Ross yesterday. It was $15 for a liter bottle.
I buy mine from JC Penney when they have a 2 for 17.99 sale. I just bought 2 (1-liter) bottles during the last sale which was february 20-23, 2011.
I buy mine from JC Penney when they have a 2 for 17.99 sale. I just bought 2 (1-liter) bottles during the last sale which was february 20-23, 2011.
oh man i just missed that one - i need to get on some mailing list..... wonder if i can do that from the website.