Where do you buy DESIGN ESSENTIALS?


New Member
Heya Ladies

I was wondering where you ladies get your Design Essentials products...I want to try one of their conditioners I was reading about in another thread.


My hair stylist is a distributor so I get stuff from her salon. You could call their customer service line and find out what salons in your area carry their products, I think there's also a link on their web site where you can search for salons in the area. The web site also allows you to purchase products at comparable prices, having not tried this option yet I am not sure how their shipping is. ;)
Supergirl said:

Just FYI--this place is in Mesquite, so you have the option of going there and picking up the products you want. Call them first to make sure it is in stock though. :)

I never paid attention to the location. I can save on shipping and stop by the next time I am in town. Thanks SuperGirl.
Supergirl said:

Just FYI--this place is in Mesquite, so you have the option of going there and picking up the products you want. Call them first to make sure it is in stock though. :)

Thanks for posting this info.

I'll have to remember this when I go back home to Texas.
Supergirl said:

Just FYI--this place is in Mesquite, so you have the option of going there and picking up the products you want. Call them first to make sure it is in stock though. :)

Yea girl I know about this place. I just forgot all about it when I was looking on the net last night. Imma give them a buzz and see if they got it. I might be makign a lil mini-product-junkie road trip this weekend!:grin:
