Where do you begin when your trying to start a relatationship with God???


I am really trying to start a committed relationship with God and I know that the only way to truly achieve this is to start reading the Bible. My question is where do I begin? Do I just start with page one? Does anyone know of a good book that will help break down the Bible so that I can better apply what I read to my life? Thanks in advance for your help:) .
Hey jamiette, :wave:

Great question! The first and best place to start, in my humble opinion, is on your knees in prayer. Communion with God is where the relationship starts, and from there He will point you to scripture, and send messages through different people. Every morning, every night, speak to God. This is key!

A great book that I really liked is Knowing the Bible 101, by Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz. http://www.amazon.com/Knowing-Bible-101-Language-Christianity/dp/0736912614/sr=1-1/qid=1162414412/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/102-5983004-4877766?ie=UTF8&s=books

This one I really enjoyed.

As you go to God in prayer, always ask Him to draw you nearer to Him. He put the desire in your heart to seek a closer walk with Him. Ask God to help you increase your prayer life. It's just amazing how God is faithful to answer this kind of prayer, and quickly. Be blessed! :)
jamiette said:
I am really trying to start a committed relationship with God and I know that the only way to truly achieve this is to start reading the Bible. My question is where do I begin? Do I just start with page one? Does anyone know of a good book that will help break down the Bible so that I can better apply what I read to my life? Thanks in advance for your help:) .

Not a reference for breaking down the bible but Rediscovering the Kingdom by Myles Munroe is the book that has influenced my walk the most outside of the bible. It is really that good. It should be required reading for all believers:lol: . If you decide to read it and feel it's starting off a little slow go to chapter 2 or 3 and I guarantee you'll be hooked and will go back and read those chapters you skipped over.

The revelation you'll receive from this book will knock your socks off.:grin: I wish I'd had this when I became a believer.

All the best!!!
I am so happy for you that you have made the decision to seek a closer walk with Christ. My suggestion would be to start at the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), b/c they show the life of Christ.

As far as helping you understand the Bible, there is no better teacher than the Holy Spirit, so before you start reading, just ask the Holy Spirit to assist your understanding and give you revelation of the scriptures. But in addition to this, I think one of the best bibles thats good for helping break things down a little better is the Life Application Bible is pretty good, b/c at the bottom it goes into deeper explanation of certain scriptures. Also there is a wealth of information in bible commentaries, dictionaries, lexicons, different translations, etc. on line at sites like Bible Gateway, Blue Letter Bible, Crosswalk Bible, etc.

Remember, Blessed and fortunate and happy and spiritually prosperous (in that state in which the born-again child of God enjoys His favor and salvation) are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (uprightness and right standing with God), for they shall be completely satisfied!(Mt 5:6-Amplified Version)
Ladies thank you so much for your help and suggestions! I am sure that they will a great help in my quest for a closer relationship with God. I am trying to just saturate myself with the word if that makes any sense.
Anyway thanks again:) .
Sweet C said:
I am so happy for you that you have made the decision to seek a closer walk with Christ. My suggestion would be to start at the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), b/c they show the life of Christ.

As far as helping you understand the Bible, there is no better teacher than the Holy Spirit, so before you start reading, just ask the Holy Spirit to assist your understanding and give you revelation of the scriptures. But in addition to this, I think one of the best bibles thats good for helping break things down a little better is the Life Application Bible is pretty good, b/c at the bottom it goes into deeper explanation of certain scriptures. Also there is a wealth of information in bible commentaries, dictionaries, lexicons, different translations, etc. on line at sites like Bible Gateway, Blue Letter Bible, Crosswalk Bible, etc.

Remember, Blessed and fortunate and happy and spiritually prosperous (in that state in which the born-again child of God enjoys His favor and salvation) are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (uprightness and right standing with God), for they shall be completely satisfied!(Mt 5:6-Amplified Version)

I read The New International Version but I'll soon be getting The Living Bible, it's in a language that we understand.

I began my relationship with GOD by praying and opening up to him about everything. You can talk with him similar to how you would a freind.
jamiette said:
I am really trying to start a committed relationship with God and I know that the only way to truly achieve this is to start reading the Bible. My question is where do I begin? Do I just start with page one? Does anyone know of a good book that will help break down the Bible so that I can better apply what I read to my life? Thanks in advance for your help:) .

I think you should start with John. I think you will get the basics there and then you can read the other chapters in the bible. Timothy tells you how to be a christians things you should do and not do as well as Hebrews and Romans. I also think you should always pray before and after you read the bible for clearer understanding and find a good bible based church. They usually have good bible classes there to help you but is important that you read the bible yourself and take your own notes of what you think about each chapter or scripture and how it applies to your life.
I agree with the ladies above. I'm sort of in the same position as you, in that I am trying to reconnect and get back to worshipping Him and spending more time in His presence. I'm currently reading When The Soul Listens, by Jan Johnson. I just got it yesterday and began reading last night. I'm enjoying it so far. I also ordered another book, Study & Meditation, also by Jan Johnson, but I haven't received it yet.
dlewis said:
I began my relationship with GOD by praying and opening up to him about everything. You can talk with him similar to how you would a freind.

Amen, when you are sincere and honest with GOD, he can be sincere and honest with you!
jamiette said:
I am really trying to start a committed relationship with God and I know that the only way to truly achieve this is to start reading the Bible. My question is where do I begin? Do I just start with page one? Does anyone know of a good book that will help break down the Bible so that I can better apply what I read to my life? Thanks in advance for your help:) .


God will bless you, because your heart is right to have a relationship with Him :) . Below is a link to a great article on how to become a Christian. I will cut and paste the article for others to read also. I hope this helps. Welcome to the blessed family of Christ!


Pretty much what it says.

Contrary to some opinions, being a Christian has nothing to do with where you were born, or with where you spent Sunday mornings every week during your childhood. You are not a Christian by default, just because you aren't Jewish. In fact, there are many Jewish Christians (Messianic Jews). You aren't a Christian because you go to church... just like you're not a hamburger because you go to McDonald's.

Yeah, you're just trying to earn another point by "converting" me...

Even if God graded us on a "points earned" system (which he does not), there's no way that either of us could amass enough points to amount to anything. I'm not looking to score points with God... I just want you to know that God has a plan for you, and it's a great plan!

OK, I'll bite. What is this "plan" that God has for me?

Glad you asked!

To start with, here is a very basic but important fact: God Loves You.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

But... you have a basic problem. You are a Sinner.

"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" (Rom.3:23)

The Holy Spirit of God is trying to show you that you are a sinner:

"And when his is come, he will reprove the world of sin ... because they believe not on me" (John 16:8-9)

How should you respond to the Holy Spirit?

Repent of (turn away from) your Sin.

"For I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Matt.9:13)

Trust in Christ as Savior and Lord.

"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Rom. 10:9-10, 13)

All you have to do is ask!

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." (Revelation 3:20)

"But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name." (John 1:12)

"...if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9)

Just pray a simple prayer to God... admit that you are a sinner, and that you want Christ to come into your heart, forgive your sin, and make you a brand new person. This isn't a "magic formula" -- just talk to God, like you would to anyone else... he's listening!

Why not ask Jesus to come in... right now? Then, you can start the exciting new adventure of your new life in Him!

If you have just asked Jesus to come into your heart, we'd like to hear from you!
when i began my walk, i God directed me to I,II Corinthians, after that i read the Gospels. i agree with everyone about praying first, asking God to lead you. When i read those books, i knew that those were the things that i needed to know from jump. it gave me a lot of direction.
In getting to know "god"; I would first decide which "god" it is that I am wanting to get to know. The Holy Scriptures state there are many "gods". When I was in your shoes, the first thing I learned was the most high "God's" name. Think of it - How can one have a relationship with someone with whom they know not their name? How many close friends do you have that do not know your name? (Rhetorical ?) For people to whom God is nameless he is often merely an impersonal force, not a real person, not someone that they know and love and to whom they can speak from the heart in prayer. If they do pray, their prayers are merely a ritual, a formalistic repetition of memorized expressions.

If you are interested in learning God's personal name (depending upon which version of the Holy Scriptures that you can get your hands on. If you own the KJ version try:

  • Psalms 83:18
  • Exodus 6:3
  • Isaiah 12:2; 26:4
  • Genesis 22:14
  • Exodus 17:15
  • Judges 6:24

If the American Standard Version: God's name is used consistently in the Hebrew Scriptures beginning with Genesis 2:4

If the Revised Standard Version: A footnote on Exodus 3:15 says: "The word Lord when spelled with capital letters, stands for the divine name, YHWH."

New World Translation: The name Jehovah is used in both the Hebrew and the Christian Greek Scriptures in this translation, appearing 7,210 times.
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Communication is the biggest thing..talk to God all the time. In the car, shower, when ever you can, prayer. Ask God for wisdom in all decisions, even if they seem small (I wish I understood this years ago)
Be obedient in tithes, reading bible, avoiding sin. Know that you won't be "super Christian" over night...no one is now lol
for me meditation is the way... with meditation i'm still, im aware of my oneness with the universe and i feel the presence of all things godly. when I take that moment out to look within myself i'm able to be aware of that already established connection with god that I have and strengthen the bond because of the focus that I have, bringing my attention to a deeper and stronger spiritual bound between my mind, peace and heaven.

there is ALWAYS a relationship between you and god. it can't be broken... its like saying that you want to establish a relationship with yourself... from birth til death and beyond you cannot not have a relationship with urself imo
That is so lovely! He will meet you more than halfway...

I am really trying to start a committed relationship with God and I know that the only way to truly achieve this is to start reading the Bible. My question is where do I begin?

You just did :) HE heard you!

Do I just start with page one? Does anyone know of a good book that will help break down the Bible so that I can better apply what I read to my life? Thanks in advance for your help .

I read the Message Bible sometimes...along with others..it speaks to me!
I also found helpful simple daily devotions that included a bible verse to meditate on.
It was a good way of connecting The Word with my life as others related their human experience in a personal way helped by God ..through the main bible verse posted in the devotion

Here is an online devotions page with over twenty different online urls of e-devotions

My favorites are Faith Thoughts..The Upper Room...Faith's Check Book,there is one that lists three bible verses to meditate on Strength for Today.
You will find the ones that speak to you :) and those helped me to refer more and more to the bible.

Do you have a church home yet? It helped me a lot to be
in loving company of other Christians...
Consider visiting a small group ministries
Here is an example of one of the devotions urls on E-Word..it's from the Upper Room
What is so funny is that I started to post another one but it seemed very abstract and I knew Upper Room has a more down to earth devotionals....and so I decided to click on their devotion to and this is what came up!!!

There is nothing in your post that relates to this person's concerns about competition and comparisons, but I thought it was interesting her concern stemmed from being a Christian new in the walk...as you are a Christian new in your walk
Be blessed

[B]Sunday, October 05, 2008
First Blossoms [/B]
Read Philippians 1:3-11

Paul wrote, "I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ."

-Philippians 1:6 (NRSV)
AS a new Christian, I compared myself to other Christians. I felt I wasn't good enough. I was sure I was a disappointment to God.
Then one September day, my little wattle tree bloomed for the first time. I was so excited to see the early blossoms that I took my son to share the moment with me.
Next to that little tree was a more established wattle tree. At this time, it was big, bushy, and in full bloom. It was beautiful. I took great pride in that big wattle tree. However, I took as much pride in the smaller wattle tree that was beginning to bloom.
As I looked at my two trees, one beautiful and established, the other smaller but starting to bloom, I realized that God sees us in a similar way. Yes, God rejoices in established Christians who have grown in their faith and are producing an abundance of fruit. But I am sure God rejoices just as much in new Christians who are beginning to grow.

Liz Palmer (New South Wales, Australia)

God, we are sorry for comparing ourselves to other Christians. Help us to pay attention to our own growth. Amen.

Thought for Today
God delights in us in all the stages of our spiritual growth.
Those new in faith
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Survival Kit: 5 Keys to Effective Spiritual Growth

I would try this booklet. It's a workbook so it keeps you interactive with your bible. We're using it in a class at my church. It's about $6.
It helped me fall in love with Christ all over again. It will also help you to have direction when you begin your new walk with Christ.
Here's the description:
Helps new and growing Christians understand and deal with conflicts between old and new patterns of thoughts and habits. It also helps believers develop a regular pattern of quiet time, prayer, Bible study, and Scripture memorization. Includes a small-group discussion guide and one-to-one counselor's guide.

Let us know what you choose and how you're doing.
I am really trying to start a committed relationship with God and I know that the only way to truly achieve this is to start reading the Bible. My question is where do I begin? Do I just start with page one? Does anyone know of a good book that will help break down the Bible so that I can better apply what I read to my life? Thanks in advance for your help:) .

Easy......... :yep:

Desire.... Just 'wanting' to, is where you begin. All else just flows; and the Holy Spirit will take over wherever you are.

Desire .. the good things of the Lord, and He will fulfill you with all of Him, giving you the Desires of your heart. "Him". :love2:

God is 'not' complicated. He's Love... :love3:

People are, though. :drunk: With the million and one teachings from the million and one minds who have created and designed so many confusing methods (Methodists) and Baptisms (Baptists) and so on and so on...

Just 'Desire'...... that's all. :yep:

God bless you, Angel... :grouphug2:
This is a very encouraging post...thanks for all the lovely responses. I am finding that I am growing/drawing closer to God and these things pointed out are helpful. Thank you all!
Talk to HIm. However you pray is between you and Him but talk to Him....and....listen. Read His word to you. Get involved in your religious community.
Start talking to him (pray)

We talk to God when we pray.

God Bless you as you walk with him.
I am really trying to start a committed relationship with God and I know that the only way to truly achieve this is to start reading the Bible. My question is where do I begin? Do I just start with page one? Does anyone know of a good book that will help break down the Bible so that I can better apply what I read to my life? Thanks in advance for your help:) .

extraordinary women of the bible by mac arthur I believe, if you're still looking I'll order u a copy off ebay thats how much it helped me and remarkable women of the bible. Those are two great books that explain what women in the bible experience and it will help u grow to be like them in a positive way. Start wherever you feel comfy. I started in James short and easy to understand then to 1sam and 2sam and the phillipians and so on. No set order. One thing that helped me in a bible dictionary and a program called libronix. Last but not least I write in a notebook what every verse means in a way that I could apply it to my life. I'm glad u want to get into the word we all should do it more and more each day