Where do I start?



I just wanted to let you all know that I had tried Pantene Pro V for women of color and it wasn't any good for me. It made my hair very dry and very bushy. It felt bad.

I bought some Motions and it worked really well for me. I washed my hair with motions and used their lavishing conditioner and it made my hair feel like there was still moisture and left it feeling soft and not so bushy.

I just wanted to ask what other products should I get for staples and how to begin my treatment regimine? Please help.

First, welcome to the board!:D

For me it was trial and error. I think you would need to take into consideration any issues that your hair may be having or anything that you want to address. Like I used to have a major dryness problem so I started with all things moisturizing and looking for timps to combat my dryness and ended up being a believer in pre-poos and CWs for my hair. For others, it might be breakage and needing to find the right level of protein.

I've been around almost three years, though and have identified very few staples. I'm too much of a product junkie. Good luck with that, though!
I love Pantene Prov R&N. But I guess not everything is for everyone. That's why I agree with Kimberley it certainly is trial and error and you have to find out what works for you. I've learned just to keep it simple the less manipulation you do to your hair the better.
Pantene doesn't work for me either, I suspect becuase loaded with 'cones and IMO, harsh detergents in their 'poo. But that's just my opinion. As a newbie my advice is to take your time, trial and error will help you figure out what works -- you've alreaded eliminated pantene! But the next advice, understand the ingredients in your products and of course, READ the ingredients before buying. That takes research and time!

Welcome and happy growing . . .
I personally don't like Pantene R&N either, too heavy for me.

I'm semi-new also and I did a LOT of searching to figure out what everyone loves and what generally has goten bad reviews.

I went and got Elucence mouisture balance conditioner and moisture benefits shampoo, I also got mango butter.
So far my hair is the softest it's ever been with airdrying, I'm not too sure about the shampoo yet but I definately am on board with the MB conditioner and mango butter.

Nella said:

I just wanted to let you all know that I had tried Pantene Pro V for women of color and it wasn't any good for me. It made my hair very dry and very bushy. It felt bad.

I bought some Motions and it worked really well for me. I washed my hair with motions and used their lavishing conditioner and it made my hair feel like there was still moisture and left it feeling soft and not so bushy.

I just wanted to ask what other products should I get for staples and how to begin my treatment regimine? Please help.


Yeah Pantene is no good and I think they made that brand for women of color just to make a quick buck. Actually, to be honest with you I use Garnier Frutis shampoo, and Dove Intense Moisture conditioner. And use ONLY 100% organic extra virgin coconut oil for my hair. NO other products. Also, I take a supplement of MSM powder for my hair.
I wish I knew about what's in products years ago or else I would've been BSL by now. I never tried Pantene R&N because of the ingredient list.

Its been a long road w/ these boards and products, but I think I've finally reached a staple list. It takes a ton of trial and error, time, money and you may even have to throw out some of your "favorites", but at the end of the day its been worth it.
Welcome:) I use Motions Lavish Moisture 'poo in my rotation too. I love the smell and it works! In the last month or so I've started using Silk Elements from Sally's private line. Their hair mayo, relaxer, moistruizing treatment, and breakage cream and very good and the price is great too!

Just try a few things. Again, what works for one may not work for another, but that's part of the journey:lachen:
I'm I the only one that liked Pantene R&N? :ohwell: It was a little too much moisture and not enough protein, but I thought it worked well enough.
N-E-way, I'd start with clarifying if you never have or haven't recently. Nothing's gonna work through buildup.
Thanks for welcoming me to the board and I will try and find something that works for me and try and used the products I get for about 2-3 months and see the progress. I know for sure I'm going to need some good protein so I will get on the search menu and try and find something.

Thanks so much for telling me about some of the products you're using. I just wanted to say I viewed your pictures at Fotki and you have some bueatiful hair. It looks like its always been pretty long. I would like to achieve that length. I know right now after having just cut my hair this will definitely take some time.
