Where do I start?

Jessica Rabbit

New Member
I am falling in love with this board. But I don't know where to start. lol I'm not sure what challenges to join or anything. I'm a natural 3c/4a and I had to cut off a lot of hair in December because my old stylist used to press my hair so hard she permanently straightened some parts. I constantly battle dryness. Yodit (some folks in D.C. are familiar with her) helped me cut 95% of the straight pieces out and helped shape me up. But I am not comfortable with the length so I have in a partial curly weave to match my texture. I just started a self imposed cold turkey challenge because my pjism is OUT of control and I am searching for my staples. I was reading around on here and ordered Boundless Tresses to help with my growth. I'd love it if anybody could offer any advice/assistance. I want to reach shoulder length, healthy hair with shrinkage, then I will go from there. I have increased my water intake and am getting healthier. I take supplements and am trying to pay more attention to my hair so I think this board may be just what I need right now.

Side issue, I did something that my hair doesn't like and I can't figure out how to reverse it. I called myself creating an enhanced deep conditioner as some members of another board do but the ends of my hair have been like SAND PAPER ever since. I used the ors replenshing conditioner, a little honey, glycerin and coconut oil. Any idea what it could have been?

I know this is kind of long but thanks so much. My next task will be getting my siggy together.
Welcome to the board:grin: .

I would suggest clarifying your hair. This should get any gunk off of the strands so that you can start fresh. If you don't have a clarifying shampoo you can mix about a teaspoon of baking soda into your regular shampoo. My favorite clarifying shampoo is Pantene:)
Jessica Rabbit said:

I can't wait for a little help. I'm so lost, lol I spent a while figuring out what APL meant. Sad, I know.

Girl, it took me a minute to learn the "hair language" too....:lol:. Go to the sticky "Compilation of support threads". There's a link in there for new comers to don'tspeakdefeat's album, that helped me out big time.
Welcome to LHCF JR. (Hope you don't mind me calling you that)

I agree with what Trimbride said. Clarify your hair to get rid of all of the products in your hair and scalp so you can start fresh. Since you are experiencing dryness, deep condition your hair with a good moisturizing conditioner. You can also try CO washing too. Alot of the women on the board co wash and have good results.

One challenge that I know you might want to join is the "Just Use It Up Challenge", thats for pj's. I'll try to bump it up for you. Happy Hair Growing:)
Hmmm, so you are natural.

Well, first lesson is that your hair is made up of moisture and protein.

If you take a strand of your hair between your two middle fingers and gentle tug as if trying to stretch it, your strand should do just that: stretch, not break. It should break after a while but not immediately.

Too much moisture means your hair will feel gummy and not strong when stretching.

Um, how are your ends?

Second - minimal heat and always use a GOOD heat protectant.

Third - find a good moisturizing shampoo, conditioner and moisturizer. I say this cause you say your ends feel dry. Also you may one to put your hair in big braids while washing to minimize manipulation and tangling.

Your good with the water and supplements.

I'll try to think of more.
Thanks for the warm welcome ladies!
I tried to stretch a strand and it did not break. Yay!
My ends feel kind of dry and they sometimes stand out from the rest of my hair. I want to finish getting rid of the straight ends but I'm trying to wait until it gets a little longer.
I have been using no heat. I've been wearing it curly for a while. Heat hasn't hit my head since December.
I use shampoo once a week if that and week I do it's one of the Elucence shampoos, but I have not shampoo'ed in a while and that will be done today. I am experimenting with conditioners I just brought, mainly Aubrey Organics and Devacurl One C and playing with different stylers to see what gives me the most moisture. I have noticed that plain conditioner tends to be the best leave in for me.

Again, thanks so much! I can't wait to get some good, healthy growth so I can leave the weaves alone!
Jessica Rabbit said:
Thanks for the warm welcome ladies!
I tried to stretch a strand and it did not break. Yay!
My ends feel kind of dry and they sometimes stand out from the rest of my hair. I want to finish getting rid of the straight ends but I'm trying to wait until it gets a little longer.
I have been using no heat. I've been wearing it curly for a while. Heat hasn't hit my head since December.
I use shampoo once a week if that and week I do it's one of the Elucence shampoos, but I have not shampoo'ed in a while and that will be done today. I am experimenting with conditioners I just brought, mainly Aubrey Organics and Devacurl One C and playing with different stylers to see what gives me the most moisture. I have noticed that plain conditioner tends to be the best leave in for me.

Again, thanks so much! I can't wait to get some good, healthy growth so I can leave the weaves alone!

wow, you too. I use Suave Humectant conditioner as a leave-in and it really moisturizes my hair. It feels nice and coated.:D