Where did my thick hair go?


New Member

I'm feeling a little disillusioned about the possibility of my hair ever going back to its old appearance although I'm trying to stay positive and hopeful. It's part of the reason I joined this board in the first place. Let me start from the beginning: I used to have long healthy and thick hair that I took for granted. It was BSL up until university and then I experimented with shorter hair cuts for variety. About six to eight months ago, I noticed that my hair wasn't quite the same in terms of thickness and sheen. It looked damaged and my stylist didn't feel that it was a big deal. He said that it's bound to happen to everyone at some point due to the relaxer. I have since changed hair salons but I don't know what to do to get the thickness back. My hair is considerably thinner and I'm feeling like I'll never be able to get back what I had.

I'm taking a multi-vitamin with all of the B vitamins, folic acid and biotin. I also take omega 3-6-9 oils for hair and skin. Currently, my hair is relaxed, past my shoulders and not BSL. The texture is 4a/b. Should I cut it shorter and start from scratch hoping it will grow back or just accept the situation?

Any advice would be much appreciated!

First, don't think your hair can't get better because it can. No matter what always believe it can get better. Trust me. :) Here are some things you can do:

add some curls. not with a curling iron but used roller or pin curl. when my ends were really thin i had soem curls in it and it looked soooo much fuller. this works wonders.

try trimming the thin parts gradually. i am a strong advocate of trims. they make your hair look fuller, healthier and give a neater appearance.

try stretching your relaxers a little longer (if you don't already). a lot of people on here have gotten thicker hair by stretching their relaxers. if you decide to stretch just make sure your moisturize your new growth like crazy and limit the manipulation.

and a good diet is important also. healthy hair comes from within. HTH.
locabouthair said:
First, don't think your hair can't get better because it can. No matter what always believe it can get better. Trust me. :) Here are some things you can do:

add some curls. not with a curling iron but used roller or pin curl. when my ends were really thin i had soem curls in it and it looked soooo much fuller. this works wonders.

try trimming the thin parts gradually. i am a strong advocate of trims. they make your hair look fuller, healthier and give a neater appearance.

try stretching your relaxers a little longer (if you don't already). a lot of people on here have gotten thicker hair by stretching their relaxers. if you decide to stretch just make sure your moisturize your new growth like crazy and limit the manipulation.

and a good diet is important also. healthy hair comes from within. HTH.
Good tips: Relaxer stretching has worked wonders for many relaxed heads here. Check out Sherrylove, Lala http://ilovemimosas.blogspot.com/
You may want to check out the baggie method that works for many, taking healthy hair for granted is the worst mistake anybody can make relaxed or natural. don't give up and be patient you can do it.
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Girl, if you want to know about achieving thickness after having very thin ends, this is the place to be! So many sisters here have gone from extremely thin ends to thick and beautiful BSL and beyond. I notice that you are fairly new here so keep your eyes open and look at everyone's albums - you are in for a nice ride.....

Many have achieved thickness through bunning, stretching relaxers, relaxing the hair 75-80% instead of bone straight, switching to a milder relaxer, minimum heat, washing hair 2 X per week and DC; taking a multivitamin plus extra biotin, msm, flaxheed oil, etc.

Don't be discouraged but you will need to have patience while you are on your regimen - the thickness will not come overnight. I myself had extremely thin ends and I was very pleased with the thickness I achieved within 3 months of a consistent regimen.
Hi guys,

Thanks for the encouragement! I think I was having a low moment after looking at old photo albums this afternoon but now I feel like there's hope for me after all. There is a lot of information on this board and I plan to soak it all up. Maybe after a couple of months, I will be able to post some progress pictures.
