Where are you when you take your hair pics?


Well-Known Member
I mean other than at home......

Since I'm in the Bunning Challenge, I try to take pics when I'm at work to show my finished buns. I used to take them in the restroom, but we have too many women on our floor now and somebody's always in there when I'm trying to snap some shots! :lachen:

I know I shouldn't be embarrassed, but I just don't want to explain to random people why I'm taking pics of my hair.

Other places I've taken pics:

*bathroom in the mall
*in my car
*all over my office floor/building when I'm alone :lol:

What about you????
I take pictures facing the wall outside the bathroom, using the hall and bathroom light as a light source.
LOL! My bathroom, bedroom and living room. I guess all places are worthy if no one is staring at me taking hair pics. :look:
I take pics everywhere, too and i'm not ashamed of it. I take pics at other peoples house, outside (twice at the park-awesome background by the way), in the salon, my car and my bathroom or a relative's. Especially if there's a good background.
I've taken all kinds of pictures in all kinds of random places... car, relative's bathroom, relative's kitchen, parking lot, amusement park, middle of the street. :lol:
Pretty much everywhere, My hallway, my bedroom, my bathroom, my office bathroom, the car, at my work desk. Shoot I even have my co-workers snap the pics for me sometimes hehe!
Mostly the bathroom just because a mirror is there and mirror pics are easiest. I'll ocassionally take some in my bedroom or living room as well.
See siggy - I take alot of pictures at work at my desk (when no one is around or watching :look:). Every now and again I will take them at home.
I've finally found a good spot where the lighting is good for my silly camera phone. Bathroom right under the track lights. If dh is taking the pic then in the hallway. In the car is a good spot too:yep:
98% of my pics are taken in my bathroom. I took a couple at work, a few in my car, and some in my dining room.

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Its probably easier for me to answer the question,"where don't you take pictures of your hair?" LOL! I have a serious problem/habit of snapping pics of my hair. From bathroom, to the hall, the deck, the car, the office, office bathroom (on the unoccupied floor :lol:), my sister's place......I could go on but i don't want to bore you.