When you see major breakage areas do you cut it?


New Member
Ladies after the protein treatment and you still have areas in your hair with breakage.. with the strong root and scraggly ends do you just cut to the stronger part or give a chance to heal?
I am an impulse cutter and will just cut. Don't be that way, give it a few days to be sure you really want to cut your hair. You don't want to regret it.
I've made the mistake of impulse cutting only to realize later that it was not necessary. If the area is easily hidden by other hair, I just leave it alone.

If it makes my hair look bad or makes styling hard, I will dust or trim the area if needed. I will do a little bit every 8 weeks or so (about a week after my touchup) until I feel comfortable. Actually when I have had areas like that, the dusting/trimming rotations helped a lot after 2 or 3 times or doing it.
My BSL hair (pic below) started breaking kinda in the middle, to about neck length. I'm also thinning, and it got harder for me to tell what was going on--I just cut my hair last weekend to a little past shoulder length. It looks a lot thicker and I know holding on to those scraggly ends wouldn't have made sense, given the number of inches I'd have needed to wait it out. I also wasn't interested in gradually trimming it up.

My hair actually looks kinda the same when I style it, just less length now. I'm getting used to it, but I miss the long rollerset coils on my shoulders. This time around I'll be taking MUCH better care of my ends. I'd say don't hold onto bad ends if they're impeding your styling options and if they're too hard to hide. I feel a lot better having alleviated the problem; trying to fix it for the last few months was just stressing and bumming me out. It's hair--it grows back. And if you nip the problem and identify what you need to do to change it, it'll be much healthier, IMO.
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NO! Dusting and playing close attention to that spot or area is all you need to do.
Note: I dont believe in STRONG protein treatments...I use mild proteins regularly and ALWAYS follow w/ a deep moisturizing conditioner. By doing this I turned a sectin of hair that never grew past 1.5"(kitchen) to about 12"....
I know my picture doesn't show much but when straight, all you could see were my see through ends. I am now wearing a neck length cut which looks much fuller.

I think that if the area you speak of can be camouflaged, go ahead and keep it and baby it. However, if its an all over, see thru kind of breakage, you might consider a cut, particularly if you are concerned about appearance or if you enjoy wearing your hair out. I don't think a cut is necessary though unless you see split ends and the like. Good luck on your decision.
if the breakage is major, i would gradually trim it. i have major breakage, if i tried to even everything out i'd barely have 2 inches on my head. it's that bad. i decided im going to trim off about 1/4 inch a month. i hate thin ends.