When you say your hair is all one length...


New Member
what do you mean exactly? For example...if anyone has the sbh most recent mag (with mary j on the cover), please turn to the article with jhene. She says her hair is all one length, but notice how the front is shorter (I'm hoping I'm remembering the right article because I don't have the mag with me) Do you get it cut that way?
When people say that their hair is all one length, I'm thinking that they mean it's 12 inches in the front, 12 inches in the back, 12 inches on the side, etc. It falls in layers because it's the same length all over.
Well that makes sense (sosly, if you don't mind me asking a question on your post), then how would you keep it cut like that? Would you seperate it into sections and trim that way? I'm assuming you can't just take it all and trim the ends like you can with a blunt cut.
cutiepie7 said:
Would you seperate it into sections and trim that way?

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when i say my hair is all one length, which it is, i mean when i make a middle part and wear my hair down, it is the same length all around. from the back it will be one straight line and on the right and left side it's the same length as in the back. i think that's what it's supposed to be like when you talk about "all one length". please correct me if i'm wrong.
Yeah it means the same length all around. Twelve inches from the back would be mid back but twelve inches from the front wouldn't even be shoulder length. If I may stray from the topic, I absolutely LOVE Jhene and I can't wait until her album comes out! I usually don't listen to "teeny music" but that girl's got one hell of a voice!
Serei said:
Yeah it means the same length all around.

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This is what I mean when I say my hair is all one length.
Allandra said:
Serei said:
Yeah it means the same length all around.

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This is what I mean when I say my hair is all one length.

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same length all around? so are you saying that it appears that way (which would mean it was cut with a blunt cut) or measures that way (which means that it appears layered but is really one length)
So some people are saying:
1. length as appearing the same ALL the way around i.e. hair in the back being shoulder length AND hair in the front reaching shoulder length.

2. hair in the back measuring 10 inches, hair in the front measuring 10 inches. Even though each section measures the same, it appears to be different lengths because of head shape. So really this is based on the inches that are measured.

Does this help?

In Jhene's case, she must be basing it on inches. I have not seen the pic but if it appears to be different lengths then she's probably saying "my hair is x inches in the back, AND x inches in the front"...not really appearing the same length but in measurement, it is the same.
That's correct. My hair is all 5 inches but the hair in the back reaches the bottom of my neck whereas the hair in the front only reaches my ear. So my hair appears in to be in layers which can be annoying sometimes but it's all good.

angellazette said:
So some people are saying:
1. length as appearing the same ALL the way around i.e. hair in the back being shoulder length AND hair in the front reaching shoulder length.

2. hair in the back measuring 10 inches, hair in the front measuring 10 inches. Even though each section measures the same, it appears to be different lengths because of head shape. So really this is based on the inches that are measured.

Does this help?

In Jhene's case, she must be basing it on inches. I have not seen the pic but if it appears to be different lengths then she's probably saying "my hair is x inches in the back, AND x inches in the front"...not really appearing the same length but in measurement, it is the same.

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Thank you
Sorry for confusing you Allandra.
I just saw the magazine with Jhene. She used to have bangs when her hair was waist length. That would explain why the front is shorter.
When I say someone has hair all one length I think like Nay007's hair which looks like an even blunt cut. But when your hair measures the same length at any point it is a layered cut. Did I confuse anyone?
it is just layers. i dont know if yall have heard of the 180 degree cut, but thats what it is and basically its like someone said that its all the same length but it falls in layers and if she were to be turned upside down her hair would all be the same length.