When you protect against relaxer overlap


Active Member
How much Vaseline, or conditioner do you use? I just relaxed last night. My mother used a LOT of vaseline on my head..too much in my opinion. Initally I didn't think she put enough but she was tooo heavy handed with the product!!

Most of the Vaseline is out as of this morning, and I did not notice any damage...and surprisingly I think the relaxer took real well, but time will tell when I wash on Tuesday. I think my biggest question is...

How much is too much?? Will there be any long term damage from this (I don't think so, I don't see any, and my hair looks as healthy as ever)

I'm going to base my own hair with vaseline, as this caused a huge argument w/ my mom who argues about the necessity of doing this anyway, saying that real hair dressers don't do it this way, and yadda, yadda, yadda.

Ugh. Anyway, I'm going to keep doing this and keeping my ends healthy..

Thanks for reading and for any advice you wish to give.
I use a LOT of vaseline mixed with neutralizing shampoo/chelating shampoo and cuticle sealer.

After I neutralizing my hair, I was my hair with a chelating shampoo which thoroughly removes the excess vaseline.

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I use a protein conditioner and slather vaseline on top of that. My stylist gets it all out and I haven't had any problems.

Yeah Taz, I do appreciate my mom doing my relaxers for me! I think you are right about the more, the better! As long as it all gets out. And since it took well I'm not complaining. I just want to make sure that I am doing the right thing!
In my opinion the more the better, it won't be harmful to your hair unless you are unable to get it all out and i think the neutralizing help with that. If you have fine or unbalanced hair it might break it off.

Do you have any update pictures?
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Hi Melissa,

Thanks for your post. I will probably post an update around March or April. This time, I relaxed for a cruise, so I am not direct heat styling my hair probably until then. When I do, I will surely post an update. I am also going to get a trim around then. I will probably trim a good inch or so off and post an update picture.