When you moved in w/ur SO/FH/DH...


New Member
How long did you play nice? Holding your qualms, overlooking all of his annoying habits and such.

How long did it take for you to shed off the pressures of feeling as tho' u had to stay looking cute most of the time? Or did you feel that way?:look:

Lingerie issue, how long till you slacked off. :lachen:

Overall just wanted to hear about the journey to normalcy, where the anxiety subsides.

Any advice for new couples moving in together...
I was just myself, LOL, if something is bothering me I spoke on it asap, I passed gas, took dumps and the whole nine, LOL, shoot he didn't have a problem letting his loose. As far as looking nice that's just a big part of me, I like keeping my hair in tack, getting dress and just look nice overall. I wore regular nice pj's, and lingerie for the nights I planned something and I wanted to be extra sexy, LOL.

We were young when we married, knowing what I know now I probably would have found a better way to let him I didn't like his clothes every where but in the hamper, LOL, but it's all good and we still going strong. I say just be yourself and stay consistent don't start nothing you can't finish girl especially wearing lingerie every darn night. LOL
How long did you play nice? Holding your qualms, overlooking all of his annoying habits and such.

How long did it take for you to shed off the pressures of feeling as tho' u had to stay looking cute most of the time? Or did you feel that way?:look:

Lingerie issue, how long till you slacked off. :lachen:

Overall just wanted to hear about the journey to normalcy, where the anxiety subsides.

Any advice for new couples moving in together...

How long did you play nice?
I never played nice and neither did he LOL we were down each others throats A LOT the first few years... From eggs to - whatever.:drunk:

How long did it take for you to shed off the pressures of feeling as tho' u had to stay looking cute most of the time? Or did you feel that way? My thing on that is I like to look cute for myself... But it's unrealistic to be married and not see each other at their worst sometimes. I could never allow myself to look a mess for no apparent reason though.

Lingerie issue, how long till you slacked off. I still wear Lingerie most of the time like 5 nights out of 7, but it's a direct invitation 9 x's out of 10 x's LOL. I used to wear it every single night when we first got married we wanted to have a baby anyway LOL. Tonight will be another T-Shirt night for me, I'm still carrying one of these babies and I don't want to send the wrong message lol.
Although it doesn't matter what I wear, nothing says take my goods like lingerie lol.

Advice for the long term would be never let him see you not taking care of yourself and whatever you may leave behind to the best of your abililty. Some things they just don't need to see, unless you can't help it...And a good man understands that. You know what I mean. I remember once I was sick and pregnant with one of them can't remember which one and I was vomitting and well I wet myself, there was this little puddle I was so embarassed... I was feeling weak after all the vomitting and I was dehydrated as well. Even though I was sick and I knew he would understand, I stayed in that spot and didn't even tell him. Then as soon as I could get myself together I got up, scrubbed it and changed my sheets. He had already been cleaning the vomit up and taking care of the other children but still I was like I'm going to keep this one to myself. And it's not like he's never seen me under the way. He's been there for all the labors and deliverys, everything. We've been sick and each having to take care of each other. He's cleaned up after me many sick times. But still. Anything that you can help is all.:yep:

Ok I'm rambling yall sorry lol.

Nah, nah. Once he moved in, all that was off. You are going to see me, messy, nassy, sleepy, stanky, the whole nine. And I'm going to tell you bout yourself, too. And DH (then FH) felt the same way.

Yeah, our first couple of months were rough. :lachen:
Well, it was kinda different for us, because he saw the nasty, stanky, sleepy me the first night we met... woke up to me with a toe up fro, morning breath and everything.

My hair was sooo jacked at the time, my mother berated it and me in front of him and he was happy as a jaybird anyway.

LOL I'm like a marble sculpture with him, I've gotten progressively better looking with time... makes him more appreciative, haha!
I made sure to be myself. I remembered my mom telling me that when she and my dad were married, she wouldn't fart in front of him. That was mind boggling to me. I'm usually cute, hair nicely combed, light application of makeup, nice clothes. I have my bad days and so does he, but it doesn't make us love one another any less. I used to sleep in t-shirts and boyshorts. Recently I invested in a lot of lingerie so he is REALLY happy to see me at bedtime.

My only advice is to be yourself from the start. In my mind, there is nothing worse than having to walk on eggshells and feel uncomfortable in your own home.
I tried not to fart in front of him, but when he realized that's what I was getting up to do... and wouldn't fart in front of him, he started punching my stomach, pressing and pushing it in so I would fart and get it over with... nasty butt, talking about it's love.
Funny I've never farted in front of him ever. He's never known me to take a dump either, he's always trying to catch me but I've been good at hiding it. :lachen:

So Rule #1 Don't start something I can't finish!

I was thinking I'll just be myself also and really wasn't sweating it, I'm actually really excited about it. My family members have been hitting me with all the questions. My cousin wife was like...ooohhhh girl have u thought about this, that and I was like noooo.

Then my sister started firing away at me, "u know you're not going to be able to dot your face in acne or blemish creme at night", "even when you're tired you're going to have to keep the house really clean". I was like whoa:blush:whoa:blush:whooooaaa!

Thanks ladies, you guys have calmed me again. :yep:
Yeah that's true be yourself from the start... The subject seems to be moving in together... By then wouldn't you already have known who one another were from the start :lachen:? Or did I get confused along the post...:drunk::spinning: