When you love people...


With Love & Silk

I have a heart for people. I like to see good happen in the lives of others, and it burdens me when someone else is hurting, even if I don't know them. I have "seasons" in my life where I won't even watch the news, because it's too heavy for me to see all of the horrible things that people have experienced.

If you remember the sister May from the movie The Secret Lives of Bees, I could really identify with her and how she would get so pained at someone else's misfortune.

I am learning that this actually is related to a certain spiritual gift. I've always said God made me like this for a reason!

SO, the real purpose of this thread is to share about my thoughts on homosexuality and homosexuals and to ask for guidance really. I wholeheartedly believe that homosexuality is not natural nor is it God's design. I believe that marriage, as God designed it, is between one man and one woman.

Of course, as a Christian, I love homosexuals and I treat them with kindness and respect. I would never mistreat someone because of their lifestyle choices. My dilemma however, is that because of my love for people, it bothers me to see a homosexual person hurt because they feel they are being mistreated because they cannot be "married." So there is this part of me that feels like, hey if they want to have a ceremony and call it marriage, just let them. It isn't hurting me. It is tough for me to impose my beliefs and views on them, because often our Christian beliefs on marriage are perceived as hurtful by them. I don't want to be hurtful. So for example, while I would not, on a voting ballot, vote for same-sex "marriage," I also would not participate in a march against homosexuality. It's a fine line, I know, but does someone understand where I'm coming from?

How do I stand up for God but not hurt others in the process?

I know, because I feel the very same way.

I believe that you can also identify with the following:

I have family members who are gay and yet I love them no less nor do I treat them any different than those whom I love who are not gay.

God brings gay people into my life all the time and again, I do not love nor care for them any less than I do others who are not.

They all know that I love them. I have a pharmacist who not only looks out for me, but each time I come into the store, he comes from behind the counter to give me a 'huge' hug. And I love him, he knows that he is my 'sweetheart'. :love2: It's not fake, nor is it forced, it is a genuine 'brother/sister' bond of love. I have this same 'relationship' with several others and they all 'know' my faith and views on the 'issue', yet they know even more that I truly love them.

God showed me something so great in truth that I will never walk away from it. The truth is that:

"There is no one in their lives who loves them enough to pray for them".

Think about it. The more 'we' love someone, the more and the harder and the DEEPER we will pray for them, applying God's Word (i.e. your siggy message), and assigning angels to them and praying for the Holy Spirit to take root into their heart and souls to fully deliver them.

No one but us can / will / is able to do this. No one but us.

The LGBT sure as hades won't pray. They are all 'hades' bent upon validating the sin. And every other voice they hear today are voices of validating the sin. The entire gay agenda (which is satan's attack upon God) is fighting hard to validate this spirit and life of sin.

This is what God is showing me. No one loves them enough to pray enough to set them free. You and I as well as other TRUE Believers of God's Word not only know / but we literally 'LIVE' the power of prayer. We know how powerful the Word of God works in our lives.

We 'see' and even more than that, we 'breathe' it. God's Word is the Breath of Life that He poured into our souls from Life's Beginning and therefore we can say without random musings, that we 'live and breathe and have our being in God and in His Word.

Supergirl, we know how God's Word WORKS. Don't we now? C'mon. We know. I know that we can get testimony upon testimony from others who love God who can validate what God has already validated ... the power of His Word.

All of which brings us back to the answer regarding the precious lives of precious gays. We are called to pray for them and if anyone can do it, we can. And because we can, we will and God will have His glory.

There are folks who may disagree and many who will scoff and many who will mock; however God's Word still prevails over the folly of it all.

Who else will love them? Who else will pray? Who else has the very power to do so with God backing them up?

When 'reproached by naysayers and those who are bound', my answer is:

"I love them more than you do..."

And you know what, Supergirl... God says, 'Yes', we do. :yep:

Of course, as a Christian, I love homosexuals and I treat them with kindness and respect. I would never mistreat someone because of their lifestyle choices.

My dilemma however, is that because of my love for people, it bothers me to see a homosexual person hurt because they feel they are being mistreated because they cannot be "married." So there is this part of me that feels like, hey if they want to have a ceremony and call it marriage, just let them. It isn't hurting me.

It is tough for me to impose my beliefs and views on them, because often our Christian beliefs on marriage are perceived as hurtful by them. I don't want to be hurtful.

So for example, while I would not, on a voting ballot, vote for same-sex "marriage," I also would not participate in a march against homosexuality. It's a fine line, I know, but does someone understand where I'm coming from?

How do I stand up for God but not hurt others in the process?[/I]

In response to the above:

What did Jesus do?

He never advocated the sin. He instead stood His ground and people were healed and delivered.

satan is such a master deceiver. he is cleverly using the 'hurt' and 'hate' as his weapons to 'weaken' the knees and the armour of the Church. If he can cause our 'knees' to buckle, we will not stand and deliverance will not take place.

There is no middle ground with this. Souls are dying; lives are being destroyed; children of the future generation are being 'degenerated' by satan's gay agenda to 'normalize' the gay lifestyle by using 'marriage' to make the life acceptable to children who have not yet learned otherwise.

To yield to the pressure of 'not hurting' their feelings is losing faith in God's Word and His power. What 'yield' is life and which 'yield' is death? God says, 'Choose Life'.

Make of list of the pros and cons... of giving in to the sin.

satan is trying to use your loving heart to 'his' agenda away from God's.

Supergirl. .. God is listening. :yep:

The message linked above was sent to me this morning from my cousin. She knew nothing about this thread. She was only sharing the article with me and others. I'm not on my laptop so I'm unable to copy/paste the article.

As always...on time, God is. :yep:

You have your answer...

I read that article yesterday. :yep: Good article, and I agree with it.

I know it's a spiritual battle. It's just hard to look into the face of someone you love and respect that happens to be gay and to know that they feel judged by me.
I read that article yesterday. :yep: Good article, and I agree with it.

I know it's a spiritual battle. It's just hard to look into the face of someone you love and respect that happens to be gay and to know that they feel judged by me.

I understand, but they actually are feeling your love. satan is playing head games to see if he can weaken your knees to keep you [meaning all of us] from standing.

Our strength in standing upon God's word, gives them hope in God's deliverance for them. If we surrender to their weakness, how then can they believe. Our faith to them looks faltered and therefore hopeless.
@Shimmie, we do not always agree, but I knew you would have the perfect words for this thread. I'm blessed just from the reading. OP I know your pain, I have family member's that are struggling with homosexuality as well, it would pain me deeply if someone was to hurt them, but I do not compromise on what I believe, it is my steadfastness that encourages them to come to me for advice, but they are very much aware that I do not bend or change my view on that lifestyle at all. but they can count on my love for them and my protection, but I do not condone that lifestyle or any blatant thing that is sinful in the sight of God. I'm struggling myself to keep myself afloat in this sinful world. This is the only real encouragement I can provide for the people that I love who are going to the struggle, but as Shimmie says, prayer really is the answer.
@Shimmie, we do not always agree, but I knew you would have the perfect words for this thread. I'm blessed just from the reading. OP I know your pain,

I have family member's that are struggling with homosexuality as well, it would pain me deeply if someone was to hurt them, but I do not compromise on what I believe, it is my steadfastness that encourages them to come to me for advice, but they are very much aware that I do not bend or change my view on that lifestyle at all. but they can count on my love for them and my protection, but I do not condone that lifestyle or any blatant thing that is sinful in the sight of God.

I'm struggling myself to keep myself afloat in this sinful world. This is the only real encouragement I can provide for the people that I love who are going to the struggle, but as Shimmie says, prayer really is the answer.

God bless you Precious Blaz... I have family members who are also in bondage to the gay deception.

Who other than 'we' who love them truly, can pray for them...to set them free.

When Jesus prayed, it was His deep love that set us free; the whole battle from the gay agenda that has been set against us, (as Christians) to keep us from praying, them free.

Yet, we know...'No weapon set against us shall prosper'. Our prayers cannot be stopped nor aborted once they have been sent out. The prayers are flowing from God's heart, through us.

Therefore, who can stop God?

Nothing and no one....
@Shimmie beautiful response. It's exactly how I feel.


Thank you. How else will they know our love unless there's prayer? Disagreeing with the sin isn't hate nor is it bigotry. . . Jesus said:

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. (John 10:10)

The thief, satan is out to steal their souls and to kill and destroy them, to separate them from God eternally. Who else will love, the ones we love...love so dearly, love them enough to pray.

And yes... we do love them; deep in our hearts we do. And we will pray as Jesus' prayed to deliver them.

The only thing I take issue with is the 'agenda' and those behind it. Those who seek to steal, kill and to destroy, those who are satan's missionaries, who are out to sift their souls and anyone who defies them, as wheat.