When you first got yor relaxer did you have to get a lof of your hair chopped off?


Well-Known Member
Did a older person or younger person do it? When I got my hair first relaxed my hair was almost waist length and the stylist chopped it off up to my chin and said i needed to do it. I don't feel like she examined it or anything but it was my first relaxer and wasn't like my mom said anything, I didn't even look in the mirror when she was doing it because I assumed they all knew what they were doing. She told me when I unwrap my hair it will be so nice and she was showing me it will hang nice and was like showing it to her arm pit like my hair would fall that length! smh When I unwrapped my hair, I had the shock of my life! I cried before i went to sleep. My hair had so much body that people thought it was a wig. You know how when we little girls we want length.... I didn't care how healthy it looked but it grew to shoulder length so fast like in a month in a half. But when my sister got her hair done in the 8th grade the lady didn't chop hers off and it was a older lady. Her hair was mbl. Months later i decided to get my hair done by the same lady and I was telling her about my first experience and she said that bs, you don't have to get that much chopped off and that's some new thing they do. So I was wondering is that like a new age thing to chop off a lot of hair the first time you get a relaxer or what. My hair was not damaged either before i got it relaxed. My hair wasn't breaking nor shedding tremendously, it was nice and thick btw
For why? That makes no sense especially cutting that much! I can't believe your mom didnt go crazy at the lady. Why would natural hair that grew that long be so damaged it required such a cut?
For why? That makes no sense especially cutting that much! I can't believe your mom didnt go crazy at the lady. Why would natural hair that grew that long be so damaged it required such a cut?

Cause my mom thought like i did that she was professional, she knows what she is doing, well I assume she assumed that. I am so mad because my hair seemed to stay at shoulder length after that. That's why I wonder if the ones on here that run into scissor happy beauticians are they young? It seems the older ones try to keep your length especially if its not breaking. Naveah2050
Re: When you first got yor relaxer did you have to get a lof of your hair chopped off

Wow. Methinks that the stylist did not want to deal with all that hair, or perhaps lacked the technique and discipline to relax that much hair. Snipping it would have made the process easier for her, as well as save her money from using more products and gaining money from you for the hair cut. Sorry you had to suffer that, OP. :(
Wow. Methinks that the stylist did not want to deal with all that hair, or perhaps lacked the technique and discipline to relax that much hair. Snipping it would have made the process easier for her, as well as save her money from using more products and gaining money from you for the hair cut. Sorry you had to suffer that, OP. :(

ezina that is exactly why I forced myself to learn how to do my own hair. Every time i had a set back it was because of a stylist and not me. I cringe at going to a salon now and I don't. The not i would go is if i want a style and I would probably detangle my hair, wash and deep condition my own hair before and bring my comb. And if they said i needed a trim i would do so myself the next wash. I really don't get how they get their licenses when we know more on here than they do smh
Re: When you first got yor relaxer did you have to get a lof of your hair chopped off

not me I wanted it short & sassy like the cool girls no ponytails.
I would sneak and cut it & roll it really tight...
Re: When you first got yor relaxer did you have to get a lof of your hair chopped off

I was about 13 when I was dusting, I just started combing it so it was breaking off anyway.:ohwell:

I went off to college the first thing I did cut my hair.
I was told Girl, u need yo hair!:yep:
my uncle said girl u look like a street walker!:lachen:
friends was shocked. I thought i'st just hair it will grow back!

strange My Mom did the same thing.
I never saw her w long hair. I saw her high school graduation photo:blush: thick BSL hair

I;m over short hair too much work... longer hair is easy for me
Re: When you first got yor relaxer did you have to get a lof of your hair chopped off

The first one was in her late 20's - 30's. She cut it without telling me, turning me away from the mirror. I too had been a pressed natural, so I said OK. The next time I caught her hand easing across my back - 3 WEEKS LATER! I was done with her. she claimed it would hold a curl better.
The first one was in her late 20's - 30's. She cut it without telling me, turning me away from the mirror. I too had been a pressed natural, so I said OK. The next time I caught her hand easing across my back - 3 WEEKS LATER! I was done with her. she claimed it would hold a curl better.

tenderheaded see that's the bs, even though we should get rid of all splits some people don't feel comfortable getting rid of inches and inches of hair and as long as its not breaking they rather did with it and get rid of it little by little. I would ask before i cut. I would tell you how much I will cut and if you look like or say no than i won't but tell you it's on you if your hair start breaking. I wouldn't want to see my clients leaving the salon mad. I can't stand that feeling when you regret even getting up heading to the salon. And why three weeks later? You realized she didn't have you best interest after that?
I was about 13 when I was dusting, I just started combing it so it was breaking off anyway.:ohwell:

I went off to college the first thing I did cut my hair.
I was told Girl, u need yo hair!:yep:
my uncle said girl u look like a street walker!:lachen:
friends was shocked. I thought i'st just hair it will grow back!

strange My Mom did the same thing.
I never saw her w long hair. I saw her high school graduation photo:blush: thick BSL hair

I;m over short hair too much work... longer hair is easy for me

karenjoe a lot of people say shorter hair is faster for styling and just overall easy but i was just tell my SO i don't see how, seems like you would have to style the hair more. With longer hair you could smooth into a ponytail, bun etc and be done. With shorter hair doesn't seems to be any short cuts. You would have to curl and often if you don't sleep like a princess or wet and tie it down every night for it to stay flat, not my cup of tea smh
Re: When you first got yor relaxer did you have to get a lof of your hair chopped off

not to mention when it start growing out... :nono:
I look like the Dutch Boy on the paint can at one time.:lol:
its was too long for that & too short for this. :spinning:
I bought a long braid wrapped it in a ball i wore that at least 10 mos straight. it wouldn't lay flat then I took it off. my hair grew

I'm shocked at how many people or girls hair was chopped off to wear a relaxer. :blush:
I enjoyed having a relaxer.after
all the yrs of pulling & melted grease burning me. My head was always sore after I left the Beauty Shops'

My niece got a relaxer at 8 her hair was thick & long. she's 14 now & comb her hair herself it has broke off.
her mom let her get a track down her back :nono:
she'll be wearing a short & sassy do soon
or a bob looking like the Dutch Boy...:lachen:
Re: When you first got yor relaxer did you have to get a lof of your hair chopped off

The first one was in her late 20's - 30's. She cut it without telling me, turning me away from the mirror. I too had been a pressed natural, so I said OK. The next time I caught her hand easing across my back - 3 WEEKS LATER! I was done with her. she claimed it would hold a curl better.

I would have acted up in that shop.:shocked:...
I have to want to cut my hair to be ok which could take me weeks of thinking about it..:perplexed
all lot of Beauticians r lazy ^ want to get you in an out of the shop.$$$$
I have yet to see one person w very long hair that go to a beauty shop regularly...
for a trim maybe & I stopped that:flyingwit
not to mention when it start growing out... :nono:
I look like the Dutch Boy on the paint can at one time.:lol:
its was too long for that & too short for this. :spinning:
I bought a long braid wrapped it in a ball i wore that at least 10 mos straight. it wouldn't lay flat then I took it off. my hair grew

I'm shocked at how many people or girls hair was chopped off to wear a relaxer. :blush:
I enjoyed having a relaxer.after
all the yrs of pulling & melted grease burning me. My head was always sore after I left the Beauty Shops'

My niece got a relaxer at 8 her hair was thick & long. she's 14 now & comb her hair herself it has broke off.
her mom let her get a track down her back :nono:
she'll be wearing a short & sassy do soon
or a bob looking like the Dutch Boy...:lachen:

karenjoe it seems to be everyone's story who have experienced or have saw someone get a relaxer young and they hair start off good and end up short in the teenage years, people want to natural, relax and do other chemical services but don't know how to take care of it. People are afraid of coloring their hair but to be honest all you have to do is keep up with moisture. My hair never over shredded or broke off from having my hair colored, never even had problems with it, it the fact of having a good constant regimen
I would have acted up in that shop.:shocked:...
I have to want to cut my hair to be ok which could take me weeks of thinking about it..:perplexed
all lot of Beauticians r lazy ^ want to get you in an out of the shop.$$$$
I have yet to see one person w very long hair that go to a beauty shop regularly...
for a trim maybe & I stopped that:flyingwit

Yup it is all about the money,they damage your hair and then the next time around they telling you that you need a certain treatment because your hair is breaking off which they were the culprit. And I have some with long hair coming out the salon but I can't say that it's many
Re: When you first got yor relaxer did you have to get a lof of your hair chopped off

before my relaxer they would grab or feel in my hair then quote my Mom a price...

... weaves & extensions is the big money.. maybe they want us all to wear a weaves
My first relaxer was done by a gay hispanic man....he trimmed less then an inch.....your stylist was just lying to you and wasnt paying attention.......sorry this happened