
Well-Known Member
also provide the products?

I am venting a little, I love doing family members and friends hair and I love talking about what products I use. They always sing the praises of my products, but they never go out to purchase their own.:wallbash::wallbash:

So they show up to get their hair done, but I have to use my products, do people know how much it costs just for my head alone let alone 3 heads?

It ain't cheap to buy Qhemet, KCKT, AOHSR etc. Its about time people started to think about that!

Heck people ask me to relax their hair and they show up without the relaxer! Do I look like I have relaxer laying around somewhere in my hair products closet...its been 3yrs since relaxer touched my hair people, why do you expect me to have some relaxer for you??????If I am helping you relax your hair, the least you can do is buy your own relaxer:ohwell:

I know someone who never even knows if she needs a relaxer or not, so I have to think back to when did I do her relaxer last and then I ask if she has any relaxer, she says no, then I have to go out and pick some up for her and when I tell her the price she says oh thats too expensive, if I had known it would be that expensive, I would have asked that you don't buy it....huh?:hot: And thats the end of the story, I never get my money back.

I don't know....people are people!

Anyone else?
I don't do hair but it sounds like if this was me, I'd use my own products initially but after they saw and approved of the outcome, they would have to purchase the products themselves from then on out.
I don't do hair but I would probably say, "don't forget your towel, shampoo, conditioner and any other products you want me to use."
Girl people do what you allow them to! I use my products on family (some friends too) but I sure wouldn't be doing it for any and anybody... multiple times! Are they paying for your services?
If they were paying me to do their hair then I would provide the products. If they were not paying me to do their hair then they will have to provide their own stuff and I would let them know that in advance.

They are taking advantage.
I flat iron my two sisters and mom's hair and they use their own products. I do use my own gloss on their hair for the shine but I don't mind. I only straighten my hair once in a blue moon anyway so there is plenty of gloss left for me.
I generally don't use my products all that quickly, so it wouldn't bother me to "share" my products (until it became a super regular thing). However, I draw the line at the person showing up without the relaxer. No way pardner, we need to get to the store and YES, you are driving.
I do my moms, sister, brother's hair. I will use some products on them (like my gel, ors smooth-n-shine). Basically, things I don't mind replacing. Now, my Joico (moisture recovery, k-pak, etc) I let them try a small amount on a small section. After that, it's up to them to by the product. It took my mom MONTHS to by the recovery treatment balm even though it works best for her coarse hair. She hinted about me doing her hair with it but I ignored her. She finally bought it 2 weeks ago.

I pay too much on my products to just slap in everyones hair. I have 3 heads of my own to take care of.
I do a couple of friends hair for free and they always bring their own products. I only use my own if they bring something I don't like. Its only right that they bring their own things, you are providing a free service for them.
I have 4 people that I do hair for . All family. My sister I provide the products for because she does so many things for me that I really don't mind. For her daily upkeep she gets what I recommend and pays for that herself. I do my mom and granny, my mom buys their products. And I do hair for an 11 year old who is the daughter of a friend. I buy her products and give her dad a receipt.......She has too much hair for me to use my stash on. I would have nothing left for my own head.
The most heads I do is my bff, so she doesn't have to bring anything, but it's not a regular occurrence.

But if I was doing someone's hair on the regular for FREE...hell yeah you better bring stuff! One time I did my friend's hair, it was curly and flat ironed it was past her butt. Imagine how much conditioner I used on her hair! Next time around I told her to bring a bottle of conditioner which she did and didn't mind.
I know someone who never even knows if she needs a relaxer or not, so I have to think back to when did I do her relaxer last and then I ask if she has any relaxer, she says no, then I have to go out and pick some up for her and when I tell her the price she says oh thats too expensive, if I had known it would be that expensive, I would have asked that you don't buy it....huh?:hot: And thats the end of the story, I never get my money back.

I don't know....people are people!

Anyone else?

I just re-read this. THE bold and underline is your problem with this situation. When you are talking to this person, give them a date and remind THEM to go to the store and purchase a relaxer. Thats silly. Stop that unless you truly mean to share in every sense of the word.
I do hair from time to time and I prefer that people bring/use their own products. Mainly because what works for me, may not work for them and who is to say they know their hair enough to know they are protein-sensitive or something serious like that (and here I go slapping in protein). In addition, this is not my profession, this is something I like to do and I (can) make a little change off of it (I do not charge salon prices), BUT keeping certain things "in stock" for when I do extra hair...is not feasible. I don't mind using things I can easily replace, but my higher cost products....meh...not so much.

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Girl people do what you allow them to! I use my products on family (some friends too) but I sure wouldn't be doing it for any and anybody... multiple times! Are they paying for your services?
No Ma'am, they are not paying me a dang thing!
I do my mom's hair. Sometimes I bring my own products but now I've told her most of the products to buy, so she has them in stock. I had to draw the line when she LOOOOVED my Aphogee stuff. That's alot of dough for both of our heads. Shooooo. I will buy her color or relaxers when I see them on sale at Sally's though.
I understand people should bring their own relaxer....but IMO the rest of the products should be provided by you only because you have experience with them and you know what's good for what. I would imagine people wouldn't know exactly what to bring. And if they only get their hair done once every so often by you it wouldn't really be feasible to buy entire bottles of stuff just for themselves

EDIT: I thought they were paying you! well I guess they should bring their own products but I don't think it's terrible if they don't
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i do my sisters hair every week and my mothers hair occasionally and i use my own products (but my mom realized i bought these products and gave me money to buy 4 jars of shea moisture products)...if someone i know asks me to do their hair i use my own products, primarily because i know what they have is probably going to be crap and i dont want to use it and/or risk their hair coming out a mess. for the most part i never ask for money to do ppls hair b/c i dont do it often& they are usually my friends, but they ususally do give me something which covers the cost of the little bit of product they used.
I understand people should bring their own relaxer....but IMO the rest of the products should be provided by you only because you have experience with them and you know what's good for what. I would imagine people wouldn't know exactly what to bring. And if they only get their hair done once every so often by you it wouldn't really be feasible to buy entire bottles of stuff just for themselves

yes it is feasible!! if i was doing my bff's hair on the regular and her hair completely took to the joico line...she'd have to do out and buy it herself. if i'm doing someone's hair and know what their hair likes id give them a list and say "go buy this and this" or if they think they'll mess up ill tell give me the money and ill pick it up for you.

but im going to do your hair for free AND you're gonna use up my products? shoooo! that's just taking advantage. i wouldnt even feel comfortable letting someone do my hair for free all of the time and im using up their stuff.

Mandy...you said it's time for folks to start thinking about how stuff isnt cheap...err why haven't you told them that?! You gotta speak up girl!!

eta: saw you edited your post :lachen:
I use to do my aunts hair. She never brought her own products and she would pay me 10 dollars and she would come 2 times a week some times. She also would ask me to purchase her relaxer and said the same thing about it costing too much. I wanted her to bring her own products.

I am heavy handed and she had twice the hair that I have. She stop coming to me even though her hair was progressing nicely. She had super long hair, but it was thin and brittle and breaking. I didn't so much mind that I used my own products until she started inviting her friends to come to me. It's weird too cause I can't style. All I can do is dc, blow dry and flat iron, lol.Oh man and her hair was always a tangled mess.
I never really thought about it, Mandy. I have a couple of elderly "clients", and I take everything I'll need to their homes - including a stand-up dryer. I never accept their offers to pay for the products (or my services).

However, if these ladies were under the age of 80, I would give them a list of items to purchase before I did their hair.

These people are taking advantage of your kind spirit, Mandy. They are moochers, IMO.
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yes it is feasible!! if i was doing my bff's hair on the regular and her hair completely took to the joico line...she'd have to do out and buy it herself. if i'm doing someone's hair and know what their hair likes id give them a list and say "go buy this and this" or if they think they'll mess up ill tell give me the money and ill pick it up for you.

but im going to do your hair for free AND you're gonna use up my products? shoooo! that's just taking advantage. i wouldnt even feel comfortable letting someone do my hair for free all of the time and im using up their stuff.

Mandy...you said it's time for folks to start thinking about how stuff isnt cheap...err why haven't you told them that?! You gotta speak up girl!!

eta: saw you edited your post :lachen:

It really depends...if the client is a new (not family or friend) then IMO it's best to use my own products so I can do the best job and get them hooked on good hair products...but if this is a friend or family member that knows the stuff is good and expensive but is just being cheap and mooching off me then yea it's time to bring their own

I think of it like getting my makeup done...if I have to buy the whole eyeshadow pallet, primer, foundation etc; I might as well do it myself :ohwell:
I do my moms, sister, brother's hair. I will use some products on them (like my gel, ors smooth-n-shine). Basically, things I don't mind replacing. Now, my Joico (moisture recovery, k-pak, etc) I let them try a small amount on a small section. After that, it's up to them to by the product. It took my mom MONTHS to by the recovery treatment balm even though it works best for her coarse hair. She hinted about me doing her hair with it but I ignored her. She finally bought it 2 weeks ago.

I pay too much on my products to just slap in everyones hair. I have 3 heads of my own to take care of.
My point exactly. I don't mind using the products that are not expensive and that I can get easily, but my Qhemet, Oyin, KCKT and such? Thats things cost me an arm and a leg.

Oh, and as much as I don't mind using the other more accesible products, I don't want to purchase them just because I am doing other people's hair and I need it for their heads...

People like the product and what it does for their hair, but they don't like the price that comes with it.

I just re-read this. THE bold and underline is your problem with this situation. When you are talking to this person, give them a date and remind THEM to go to the store and purchase a relaxer. Thats silly. Stop that unless you truly mean to share in every sense of the word.
I think I need to learn to do that. I have situations were someone calls and says, can you do my hair tomorrow because I have an event the next day. Me being who I am, I ask, what needs to be done with it and they say, oh I don't know so I think back and realize its been forever and a day since their was done so I have an idea what is needed and I get it ready for them. This is my mistake, I want to do a good job when I do someone's hair so I give in and get what they need bevcause my skills are on the line here:look: I assume that they will say, how much did you pay and give me the money and I am too shy to ask for the refund.

I understand people should bring their own relaxer....but IMO the rest of the products should be provided by you only because you have experience with them and you know what's good for what. I would imagine people wouldn't know exactly what to bring. And if they only get their hair done once every so often by you it wouldn't really be feasible to buy entire bottles of stuff just for themselves

EDIT: I thought they were paying you! well I guess they should bring their own products but I don't think it's terrible if they don't
O ften people know what they need to bring because I tell them, they know what I am using, where they can buy it etc, but they choose not to buy so when they show up, I have no choice but to use what I have.
Sometimes I don't know what they need done and when they come I have to do what I have to do. I am too shy to ask them about the products.

I use to do my aunts hair. She never brought her own products and she would pay me 10 dollars and she would come 2 times a week some times. She also would ask me to purchase her relaxer and said the same thing about it costing too much. I wanted her to bring her own products.

I am heavy handed and she had twice the hair that I have. She stop coming to me even though her hair was progressing nicely. She had super long hair, but it was thin and brittle and breaking. I didn't so much mind that I used my own products until she started inviting her friends to come to me. It's weird too cause I can't style. All I can do is dc, blow dry and flat iron, lol.Oh man and her hair was always a tangled mess.
This is another side of the problem. I have people who come with a HAM on their head. They haven't done anything with their hair since I did it last. They keep saying their hair is not doing well and I keep saying well, you need to Wash, DC etc more often. You can't just leave the hair untouched for a month or two unless its a PS or something. I keep saying learn what your hair needs and what is too long to just leave it, but some people are just....I don't know the word.

Some people show up with so much dirt on the scalp that the dirt has became granulated:ohwell: That mess takes alot of time, energy and product to get rid of.!

It really depends...if the client is a new (not family or friend) then IMO it's best to use my own products so I can do the best job and get them hooked on good hair products...but if this is a friend or family member that knows the stuff is good and expensive but is just being cheap and mooching off me then yea it's time to bring their own

I think of it like getting my makeup done...if I have to buy the whole eyeshadow pallet, primer, foundation etc; I might as well do it myself :ohwell:
I think this is true if they are a "Client", but if its a friend or family member and I am not a professional or I am not getting any money out of it, then something has to change.
Thanks answering Mandy4610.

Its really a kind thing that you are doing. You do their hair out of the kindness of your heart. But, now you have to consider the cost to you and your family. They use your time and products. If you aren't willing to ask for money due to shyness or for some other reason, then perhaps you need to start treating this like a little side business. Buy products you use specifically for your friends/family and use those only for them. Save your special products for yourself and NEVER pull them out for anyone other than yourself and your immediate family (if you have them). Put a TIP/Donation jar out and ask that each person makes a donation (amount of their choice) towards the products you use - just like them chicks at Starbucks - since there is absolutely nothing FREE in this country.

Don't mistake the use of certain products for good technique and consistent hair care. They can have their hair 'dyed, fried and laid to the side' with many available (affordable) products and your technique.