When will I learn not to try something new when I have somewhere to go.


Well-Known Member
So I read Sereca's thread about oil rinsing and got so excited. I decided to try it today. The results were okay but I decided I would try it again before making my final judgement.

So we're on our way to a picnic and I'm looking in the passenger side mirror and I see a stain on my shirt. Oh no! Is that oil?!:look: Now I'm getting a little worried, hoping that the stain is there only because the seatbelt was pressing my hair onto my shirt.

So we're at the picnic. Everything's going well and I've forgotten about the oil until I look down at my shoulders. Oh no!!! I didn't rinse the oil out thoroughly!! There's oil dripping on my shoulders and arms people!!:wallbash:

Okay, stay cool. Just wipe it as it drips. That goes okay until it starts staining my shirt. Why did I use olive oil? Why do I have olive oil colored stains on my shirt?

I was so embarrassed y'all. I went off by myself and let my hair drip.:lachen:

I was sure everyone was looking at me with my stained shirt and oily shoulders.:nono:

Note to self, don't be so quick to try new stuff when you have to leave the house.:lachen:
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So I read Sereca's thread about oil rinsing and got so excited. I decided to try it today. The results were okay but I decided I would try it again before making my final judgement.

So we're on our way to a picnic and I'm looking in the passenger side mirror and I see a stain on my shirt. Oh no! Is that oil?!:look: Now I'm getting a little worried, hoping that the stain is there only because the seatbelt was pressing my hair onto my shirt.

So we're at the picnic. Everything's going well and I've forgotten about the oil until I look down at my shoulders. Oh no!!! I didn't rinse the oil out thoroughly!! There's oil dripping on my shoulders and arms people!!:wallbash:

Okay, stay cool. Just wipe it as it drips. That goes okay until it starts staining my shirt. Why did I use olive oil? Why do I have olive oil colored stains on my shirt?

I was so embarrassed y'all. I went off by myself and let my hair drip.:lachen:

I was sure everyone was looking at me with my stained shirt and oily shoulders.:nono:

No to self, don't be so quick to try new stuff when you have to leave the house.:lachen:
I'm sorry girl, but this is too hilarious!:lachen::lachen::lachen:

I can't act like am not guilty of the same thing. :look:
This is too funny. LOL


I can't remember what household cleaner takes out oil stains without ruining the clothes.


Better luck next time
I am sure at the function you were attending it was not funny, when it was happening.

But that is hysterical, girl. Next time just a few more minutes under the shower head. Oh my goodness! :lachen:
Oh no, something like that happened to me. Fortunately my husband had an extra t-shirt in the truck. I figured a clean mens shirt was better than my stained shirt.
dont feel bad it happens to me all the time at a concert i can feel oil runnin down my neck/face i dont be caring.
Awww Alexstin, sorry that happened to you! Look at it this way, at least you weren't dripping MTG...that might have been a problem:lol: