When using Amla oil, do I have to use this??


Beauty IS skin deep.
I don't want to buy something if I know I'm not going to use it, so, if I use Amla oil to oil my hair, do I have to wash it out with amla powder or shikaiki powder? Or, can I just wash it out with a shampoo like CON? Thanks!! I want the amla oil, just not the powders because I have no use for them.
I don't use any of the powders I don't even know where to find them LOL. I use the amla oil as an overnite prepoo treatment and wash out with shampoo HTH.
I don't use any of the powders I don't even know where to find them LOL. I use the amla oil as an overnite prepoo treatment and wash out with shampoo HTH.

Ok, that's good to know. As I said, I want some Amla oil, but I don't want any of that powdery stuff that people are talking about. I know that I won't use it and I don't want to wast it or my money on it. I just wanted to make sure it was okay to use the amla oil without using the powders. Thanks girlie!!