When to do ACV rinses?

When to do an ACV

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Should it be done before the shampoo, in place of shampoo, after conditioning, before conditioning. . . ? Someone posted in another thread that they do an ACV after their conditioner. Wouldn't this remove the effects of the conditioner?
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Ar010 said:
Should it be done before the shampoo, in place of shampoo, after conditioning, before conditioning. . . ? Someone posted in another thread that they do an ACV after their conditioner. Wouldn't this remove the effects of the conditioner?
I do acv rinses after I shampoo, and then I condition so my hair condition my hair. I've never tried it after I condition my hair because I want my hair to get the benefits of my conditioner. This is what works for my hair.
For me personally, never.

I did it once and my hair was dry. I also tried the baking soda and my hair squeaked for weeks. So, I returned the Apple cider vinegar back to the kitchen for salads.:lol:
Allandra said:
I do acv rinses after I shampoo, and then I condition so my hair condition my hair. I've never tried it after I condition my hair because I want my hair to get the benefits of my conditioner. This is what works for my hair.

I agree, after 'pooing and before conditioning.
if i'm cowashing it's final rinse after conditioner rinsed out

if full wash (which frankly i haven't done i've just recently introduced ACV into my regimen) then it's DC on dry hair, shampoo, condition, ACV...

if you play w/ the ratios of ACV to water it shouldn't be drying to your hair at all.

when my hair drys it is almost silky (perhaps that's a stretch for me but you know what i mean) and soft and smooth. i've been experimenting w/ not adding any leavins and just cowashing daily (in twists) so we'll see how that goes.

hope you find the guidance you're looking for OP
when i'm doing an acv rinse, i do so before my condish, but mainly i mix my acv with my conditioner (i've found that Le Kair Cholesterol conditioner works best for me. i shake up the acv and cholesterol in an old condish bottle used just for this and saturate my hair with the frothy mixture, detangle or smoothe/massage it in, let it sit for a min or two and rinse). It seems to really aide the conditioner and gives me more slip and makes my hair soft and feeling moisturized afterward.
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Should it be done before the shampoo, in place of shampoo, after conditioning, before conditioning. . . ? Someone posted in another thread that they do an ACV after their conditioner. Wouldn't this remove the effects of the conditioner?

sweetpineapple, on the contrary: An ACV rinse at the end closes the cuticle and locks in the goodness you got from the conditioner. You should check out these threads:
Yeah, I want to know what's the purpose of ACV rinses too?????????????

Poohbear, ACV rinse returns your hair's pH to an acidic one which is its natural pH and thus closes the hair cuticle making strands smooth and thus reducing the likelihood of tangles. It also makes strands reflect light better so if you haven't got very kinky hair, it'll appear to shine more; and if you have kinky, it'll have some sheen. Closed cuticles also mean moisture is retained better.