When the walk becomes too hard.


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever feels like your Christian walk has become way too unbearable? I really hate looking back on my saved life and how hard I worked and fought only to just be tired and worn out like an old tire and boy am I there. I'm no longer vocal about the wrong doings in the world, now I'm just indifferent. I no longer spread the word of the Lord to others because I feel I'm forcing my beliefs onto someone else. Waiting for marriage is out of the question these days and now I'm even tired of waiting on that Christian man. He can be Buddhist, Atheist etc, at this point I don't care but I hate that I don't care. Anyone else?
I get tired at times as well but then I remember Matthew 7:13-14:

For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

The walk is supposed to be difficult which is why need Christ to strengthen us through it. Do you allow Him to strengthen you regularly with "daily bread" (i.e., the Word), prayer, time with Him? At the same time, one can ideally reach a point of peace with the Lord. And that comes with regularly walking in the Spirit. Hence, the walk won't be unbearable.

Also, my other question is, if you don't mind:
Why is "waiting for marriage is out of the question"?

I'll probably come back a bit later to comment some more ...
I get tired at times as well but then I remember Matthew 7:13-14:

The walk is supposed to be difficult which is why need Christ to strengthen us through it. Do you allow Him to strengthen you regularly with "daily bread" (i.e., the Word), prayer, time with Him? At the same time, one can ideally reach a point of peace with the Lord. And that comes with regularly walking in the Spirit. Hence, the walk won't be unbearable.

Also, my other question is, if you don't mind:
Why is "waiting for marriage is out of the question"?

I'll probably come back a bit later to comment some more ...

To the bolded...............the urges are just too unbearable. The wet dreams etc. I just can't do it anymore.....:nono:
To the bolded...............the urges are just too unbearable. The wet dreams etc. I just can't do it anymore.....:nono:

Ah, okay. I had a similar experience (but intense, vivid dreams). A little later, maybe I'll PM you or post a reply in this thread. The dreams took some battling but are mostly gone.

ETA: Do you filter what you watch, read, listen to?
Galatians 6:9 ESV

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

If you are feeling like this perhaps you should go back to the point where it started and see what caused it. We should serve God because we love him. And when you learn to love him the other things become less important. We all go through things but instead of giving up we should take a second to see what God is trying to tell us. You are in my prayers but I want you to take a second and realize how important you are in God's eyes. He is not willing that any of us should perish but that we should all come to repentance. Repentance means to change the way you think. Change the way you think of this walk with Christ. "Let the weak say I AM strong." Begin to tell yourself that and see how you change for the better. I leave you with one final verse.

1 Corinthians 10:13 GNT

Every test that you have experienced is the kind that normally comes to people. But God keeps his promise, and he will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, he will give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out.
Ah, okay. I had a similar experience (but intense, vivid dreams). A little later, maybe I'll PM you or post a reply in this thread. The dreams took some battling but are mostly gone.

ETA: Do you filter what you watch, read, listen to?

I definitely filter what I watch. I've personally never enjoyed movies with heavy petting or intense sex scenes on the other hand music does captivate me. I do wind up listening to stuff I should not be........I mean I'd be so lying if I said I didn't love Donna Summer's Love to Love Ya Baby but for the most part I do try to keep it clean.
Two scriptures that immediately come to mind is ...

I Corinthians 10:13, “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be TEMPTED beyond what you can bear.


Matthew 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Aside from testings and trials from time to time, your walk shouldn't be 'unbearable', is there something perhaps that you are not doing or doing somethings that you shouldn't ...

You CAN do it, you know...
Another verse that I love.

Genesis 4:7 NLT

You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”

You have to master the the thing you are struggling with. And to do that, you depend on God. His grace is sufficient and his strength is perfect for you in weakness.
I definitely filter what I watch. I've personally never enjoyed movies with heavy petting or intense sex scenes on the other hand music does captivate me. I do wind up listening to stuff I should not be........I mean I'd be so lying if I said I didn't love Donna Summer's Love to Love Ya Baby but for the most part I do try to keep it clean.


Okay. The dreams could just be psychological ... or they could be spiritual. I really don't know and don't want to presume. (For me, they were spiritual.) I will suggest filtering your media entirely, and even down to the music. Even a little bit of media can set the dreams in motion. Filtering even comes down to stories you read and friends with whom you associate.

Lastly, I suggest renouncing every soul tie with previous boyfriends (if any) through the SOUL TIE PRAYER, which was posted in this forum some time ago.

All that being said, if you feel the dreams are more of a spiritual matter, feel free to PM me. But don't give up on waiting for marriage. The dreams will die down eventually. Imo, it's part of the purging process.