When Someone You Have No Interest In You Tries To Run Game.....


Well-Known Member
I was always friendly with this guy that I run into in my neighborhood. Years into this "friendship" he starts running game: flattery, telling me things -- he thinks I want to hear -- finally propositioning me a couple of times. It was not going to stop so I put a stop to it. He got pissed off, I could care less, started being very formal with him etc then he says, "Oh, you don't like me anymore?" I decided not to play the game and just said any change in my demeanor had nothing to do with him.

Hahaha he is now pissed at me.

What is interesting is that I can see the same plays in a recent experience with someone I was interested in..... but I couldn't be objective.

Is there a playbook? Yikes!
If you smile at a man he thinks you're interested. I smile at everybody so I have had my fair share of guys thinking I'm sending them signals. I just use it to my advantage:look: and if they ask say I'm engaged.
I stopped smiling as much. I can’t take it.
My older sister warned me about being friendly with dudes when I was younger. She said they start believing they have a chance with you... I guess things don’t change much
Men don’t want to be friends with women.. lol I keep saying that, but people really want to think otherwise. Men just get friend zoned and men that keep a woman that they are not interested in the friend zone is a “In case of and emergency” back up coochie.
Update, because the guy is so persistent, I’m more direct in my language. So he gets pissed!!!!