When people say they have almost no breakage/shed when detangling.......


Well-Known Member
This is for both naturals and relaxed heads...........

I got some questions for you cause this is never the case with me. I will ALWAYS have hair in my wide tooth comb, even when I do my protein or henna treatments. Most are shed hairs, some are broken hairs. It happened when I was relaxed and happens now as a new natural. Anyhoo.....

How long is your hair?

Do you wash everyday?

If you don't wash everyday, do you do some form of detangling everyday?

What detangling tool are you using?

How long are you taking to detangle?

Is your hair wet or dry when you detangle?

Are you on or off your cycle when this happens?

Are you taking a hair vitamin or multivitamin?

All of these questions may not apply to just one person which is fine, I'm just trying to get a general idea of what people who rarely have hair in the comb or brush are doing.

Thanks ahead of time!! :grin:
I also find it weird. I shed like a wild animal but I have tons of hair and its very heslthy so it doesn't bother me. But when people say they only shed two hairs a day? Ummm ok :rolleyes:
I have minimal shedding, and no breakage that I'm aware of. It's just a tiny ball of hair at the end of a detangling session. But you're supposed to have shed hairs...that means new, stronger hair is growing in.

How long is your hair? Full APL

Do you wash everyday? Nope, 2-3x's a week

If you don't wash everyday, do you do some form of detangling everyday? Nope. I only manipulate my hair while detangling in the shower.

What detangling tool are you using? The Wet Brush - http://www.amazon.com/Beauty-The-Br...&qid=1351270359&sr=1-7&keywords=the+wet+brush

How long are you taking to detangle? My whole shower & hair wash session takes between 30 - 40 minutes...I think detangling takes maybe 20 minutes or so.

Is your hair wet or dry when you detangle? Wet, and soaked with conditioner

Are you on or off your cycle when this happens? Off cycle

Are you taking a hair vitamin or multivitamin? Recently started taking Mineral Rich, and a multivitamin so I don't think that really counts.
I think my hair sheds the regular amount that it's supposed to. As far as I know, we should be shedding 50-150 hairs a day.

I just restarted a vitamin regimen. Idk how it is affecting my shedding since I have only been at it for about a month.

I am just a little past APL at my longest layer. I wash every 4-5 days when my hair is loose, and once a week when it is twisted or braided. I rarely comb, brush, or finger detangle out of the shower. In the event my ends started to tangle a bit, I apply a moisturizer then lightly detangle them.

I use a knockoff of the Wet Brush that MrsJaiDiva uses. I got two of them from Kmart for $5 a piece. It works extremely well. I am planning to buy a real one and compare the two.
How long is your hair?
Just about APL

Do you wash everyday?
No, once or twice a week, depending on how active I am.

If you don't wash everyday, do you do some form of detangling everyday?
Mostly gentle finger detangling; I run a comb through it every other day unless I'm deep into a 3-month stretch between touch ups. Then it's almost exclusively finger detangling except after a shampoo/condition on 90% dry hair with mosturizer and light serum on it.

What detangling tool are you using?

How long are you taking to detangle?
From a fresh relaxer to about 6-8 weeks out, 15 minutes or less; more than 8 weeks to 12 weeks, about 2 hours before shampoo, 20 minutes after at 90% dry.

Is your hair wet or dry when you detangle?
Never sopping wet! That is asking for a comb cut with my hair. :nono: It has to be 90% dry from a fresh wash and condition after I have applied my moisturizer and a light serum.

Are you on or off your cycle when this happens?
Um, usually off? :ohwell:

Are you taking a hair vitamin or multivitamin?
Yes; either the GNC Mega Women Wellness Pak or the BeComplete Pak. I think they have helped reduce my shedding and breakage over the year I have been consistently taking them. :grin:
Whenever I see the word shedding, I have two words: tea rinses. I was shedding a lot and now my shedding is normal once I added tea rinses to my regimen and everything else remained the same.
I would shed a lot but I'm working on it .... by seriously conditioning
for hours.

DC is vital !!!! oiling the scalp is vital..... I dc before I wash.....( NOW).
I'm going to co wash this week & that's it.
my hair is usually really soft & doesn't shed after this step... a lot....

if i miss a step of cut down on the conditioning I shed...:yep:
I think porosity shampoo helped & the tea rinses..

it can happen you find what will work for you hair... i stopped washing every week yrs ago.... it was too much. my hair was very drying even w oil treatments
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@Brighteyes35, I don't believe it's possible to manipulate hair w/o any shedding taking place.

I don't know what you mean by detangling. The way I understand the word is your hair is first tangled and then you remove tangles. If that's the case, then my hair is never tangled. I keep it braided or twisted 24/7 so it is kept in a detangled state. Now I do finger-comb (as opposed to combing with a comb) because I enjoy doing it and find it relaxing and I do that to remove shed hair. I usually do it on dry hair. (Vid)

That said, there was a time I let my hair get tangled. I had worn a twist-out and instead of retwisting at bed time (which is my norm) I went to bed with it loose. I should mention that my hair had no product on it. The next morning it was like steel wool:


To detangle, I used the tip I'd learned from @*Happily_Me* of applying conditioner to dry hair (Trader Joe's Nourish Spa is what I used) then finger combed (this was my hair in the process):

and ended up with fully detangled hair:

I am on a multivitamin that I take for total health, not a hair-specific vitamin.

I expect my hair to shed when I manipulate it in any way--especially if I haven't disturbed it for at least a day. If it didn't shed, I'd be very worried.
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I used to have no breakage and maybe a couple of hairs of shedding when I washed daily and used NTM as my leave-in. And I combed through after the conditioner (Suave Humectant...they worked on my natural hair so I knew it would work on my new growth) and would comb the NTM through. It was amazing. Infusium 21 does the same thing for me; I can comb through w/ no breakage. But it makes my hair hard. NTM is hard after a day. It's like I have to rewash to keep the magic going.

I'm currently not washing daily since I'm working out daily and have to keep my hair relatively styled. Oh and I have short hair; short bob.
I think some people dont know that they are shedding. Like yesterday I was standing near the window on the train and a lady's hair shed and the wind blew it on to my face. Yuck :crazy:

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I have very minimal shedding the only time I had a shedding issue is after the birth of my 3rd son and I very rarely experience breakage
I have zero shedding when i'm pregnant. Ive been pregnant twice in 2 years so I almost thought it was normal for me. But i'm a very heavy shedder normally and I don't see it as a problem. I've always had thick hair and good growth.
I call bull on this one. It's possible they aren't noticing it. When I had shorter hair, I didn't notice it. The longer my hair got, oh how I did start noticing it!

This morning I just removed some shed hairs with my fingers and took a comb and ran it through my entire head including my 14 weeks post NG. This is what I received after 2 weeks of no wash - no combing. Mind you this is hair BEFORE the wash. LOL, I'll come back with the detangled/combed hair AFTER the wash. LOL


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yeah i get confused when folks say how their hair dont shed or break and yet their hair is shorter than mine and i shed allll the dang time
Well, I'm going to buck the trend here and disagree with the consensus. I lose a few hairs when I comb my hair in the morning and when I wash on wash day. That is normal shedding. I'm not bothered by that as they are long hairs with the white root tip attached. However, I don't see short pieces of hair anymore .....which is also shedding but more accurately is breakage - and breakage is what I worry about. Notice I said anymore because this wasn't always the case of course. Now with hindsight I remeber long before I started my hair journey how I would lose tons of hair....down the drain when washing and boy did I use to see shed when I "doobie wrapped" after a roller set. The bathroom sink would have a crazy amount of broken off hairs when I was done wrapping my hair! But these day, I can go through my wash process and see literally less than a dozen hairs...long hairs with bulbs. And that doesn't bother me as that is normal shedding. And that's the God's honest truth, ya'll! LOL! I think how much you shed - both normal shedding and breakage - is a reflection of how healthy your hair is? :perplexed
venusfly I second that..there was a time in my relaxed APL land where I'd get 5-10 strands weekly (weekly). My floor is white and I comb over the white twa-let, LOL. So no... it would have been very noticeable. That was then.... years layer I can't find my way back to this land.. because after APL, my shedding was my normalcy of 20 daily. I stopped trying to get that weekly amount back... it was luck!

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I have never claimed to have NO shedding or NO breakage when detangling. I DO claim to have MINIMAL shedding and breaking. Like another poster said, its normal to lose hairs when manipulating the hair...its almost expected. But I do believe it can be controlled with a combination of great products and even greater technique. It really does make a difference when you approach your hair as if you were handling the finest silk.

How long is your hair?

Do you wash everyday?
Nope. I wash and DC every saturday, and cowash every wednesday

If you don't wash everyday, do you do some form of detangling everyday?
I detangle only once per day, in the AM when I style for work...mostly buns. Once at home, every single thing I do to the hair is with fingers only, and extremely gentle and delicately.

What detangling tool are you using?
Wide shower comb, and my s-curl/jojoba oil spritz

How long are you taking to detangle?
it takes about 1/2hour because I detangle in sections

Is your hair wet or dry when you detangle?
I never ever manipulate my hair when dry. My hair absolutely must have some type of lubricant.

Are you on or off your cycle when this happens?
not sure if this is relevant??:perplexed

Are you taking a hair vitamin or multivitamin?
I am taking Hairfinity, and Mineral Rich supplements
I call bull on this one. It's possible they aren't noticing it. When I had shorter hair, I didn't notice it. The longer my hair got, oh how I did start noticing it!

This morning I just removed some shed hairs with my fingers and took a comb and ran it through my entire head including my 14 weeks post NG. This is what I received after 2 weeks of no wash - no combing. Mind you this is hair BEFORE the wash. LOL, I'll come back with the detangled/combed hair AFTER the wash. LOL

And this is after I air dried. Nothing serious because I detangled really good before the wash.
