When People Play In Your Hair


New Member
Ok so I'm just ending this last semester at school and I was just thinking about an experience i had little while back...

I LOVE when people play in my hair....when its relaxed. Specifically because the scalp massage feels freaking fantastic
:spinning: and friends fingers dont get caught in my locs.


I severly dislike when I'm MORE than a couple weeks post and people want to play in my braid out.
Before i was heavy on LHCF my b.o's were very dry. People would try to run their fingers through my hair, or fluff it up more and it would just get caught. Every time my head got tugged back due to a tangled finger i would hear my hair go *EMERGENCY RELEASE* on me and just snap. :nono:

I would fiercely beat off people from touching my hair and they would feel some kinda way about it :blush:. I however could careless
:rolleyes: because I didnt want people to look at it and see soft and fluffy, but feel tough and wiry.

Anyway my question to you guys is. How do you feel about foreign hands in your hair?
same as u.. if I decide to wear my hair do and my SO want to play with it.. thats fine.. UNTIL I HEAR THAT SNAP.. THEN ITS A WRAP! LITERALLY!
I dont like when DH plays with my NG because it tangles my hair up really badly. He wont quit either, like he's in a trance when he touches it.
same as u.. if I decide to wear my hair do and my SO want to play with it.. thats fine.. UNTIL I HEAR THAT SNAP.. THEN ITS A WRAP! LITERALLY!
Girl don't you know i did this the other day! in my head im like "aww im comfortable... but this cushion is gonna rub the hair right off my head"
I have a cousin who will just walk by and put her hands all up in your hair. I don't care if it's done, or not done it IRKS me!
Girl don't you know i did this the other day! in my head im like "aww im comfortable... but this cushion is gonna rub the hair right off my head"

this might sound so bad.. but one night I was so lazy and didn't want to but on my scarf.. so I just took my silk/satin pajama top and wrapped my pillow in it! LOL :lachen::lachen::lachen:
I don't like fingers of people I don't know in m hair. It rubs me the wrong way and my neck gets really stiff almost like I'm trying to cringe away from their hands. It's only tolerable when I somewhat know the person.
The only person who can play in my hair is my so. My mother will just touch my hair without pulling,etc. My cousin used to always like to comb through my hair with her fingers but I broke her of that because of that "emergency release" thing. Anyone else who tries to play in my hair can pull back a nub.
When I have my fro out, my SO always wants to play with it.. I keep telling him you're going to make me lose hair!
this might sound so bad.. but one night I was so lazy and didn't want to but on my scarf.. so I just took my silk/satin pajama top and wrapped my pillow in it! LOL :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Owt of POCKET ...and Owt of LINE!...MmmmMmmm Hmmm...Lol...Girl I feel u! I have had them WEEKS...much less them days!:rolleyes:
Since I'm natural now people mostly want to pull on my curls and see if they'll really spring back, or to see how far they can stretch my hair. I don't mind except if people pull the curls too much they don't spring back. :/
it irrates me for random people to play in my hair or just to even touch it .i dont knoow where their jands may have possibly been .lol:lachen:
this might sound so bad.. but one night I was so lazy and didn't want to but on my scarf.. so I just took my silk/satin pajama top and wrapped my pillow in it! LOL :lachen::lachen::lachen:
:lachen: I do the same thing!!!! I find something silky and just throw it over whatever i'm laying on. Pure laziness. But, no, i don't care who plays in my hair, so long as their hands are clean. I love the scalp massages my mom gives me.
I remember during my junior year of high school, I was sitting at a table in the library and my history teacher just raked her hands through my ponytail as she was walking by. She didn't make a comment or anything. Just kept going. It kinda scared me tbh. No one has ever done that to me before. :perplexed
This italian kid that works with me stroked my head yesterday :ohwell:. My hair wasn't down or anything either. It was in a bun, so I thought that was weird. I was just standing at my register trying to figure something out and he came up behind me and started stroking my head. When I looked at him like :look: he looked at me for a moment and then said "Merry Christmas" and gave me a hug. We get a long and everything, but I thought that was a bit strange, lol.
I don't care for it at all. I am scared someone's unmanicured hands will snag/rip out my hair or something.
this might sound so bad.. but one night I was so lazy and didn't want to but on my scarf.. so I just took my silk/satin pajama top and wrapped my pillow in it! LOL :lachen::lachen::lachen:

girl...i tied the SCARF around the pillow on more than one occasion! mind you, if i exerted that much energy to do that, i could have just tied the daggone thing around my head.
OMG, ya'll....I JUST WENT THROUGH THIS LAST NIGHT! I bc'd where I now live in Louisiana, and I'm back home in Houston for vacation...My friends down here haven't seen me all natural...I went to one of my bff's bday parties last night...Everyone felt the need to touch my hair...I was like WTF's UP? Especially all my guy friends...I don't know what that was about...At least I know everyone loves my cut...Like my daddy says...you see with your eyes, not your hands! lol But when the guy I'm dating plays in my curls...*sigh* It makes me go to sleep!
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