When Men Are Lonely In A Relationship


Well-Known Member
Why is that? I just had an interesting conversation with a friend over drinks earlier this week.

His relationship is admittedly imperfect but he loves her deeply and mentioned how lonely he feels even when he is with her. All I could do is say that it's probably a phase and that they'll be stronger afterwards.

Probably one of the most interesting glimpses into the male mind that I had. He seems broken about it, but I didn't pry although he volunteered this info to me. Curious about what y'all think about this concept in general and how to strengthen a relationship to protect (obviously communication is key, but tactically what that looks like).
What is he doing to improve and address this issue?
Did he bring this up with his partner?
Why is he talking about his relationship problems with (another) woman he is not in a relationship with that is neither his therapist?
Yes, I am side-eyeing your friend's intentions.

I honestly don't know what he is doing to improve bc I didn't ask follow-ups nor did he divulge any more.

Why he mentioned it to me? I don't know the answer. It was a random blurt if that makes sense. Like it was on his mind and he just said it. We were with a group talking about love and relationships earlier so that is some context. I mentioned that most people jump into relationships because they are filling a need and he responded with that. He didn't make any moves or anything of that sort. He just said it to me as people were leaving offhand
I honestly don't know what he is doing to improve bc I didn't ask follow-ups nor did he divulge any more.

Why he mentioned it to me? I don't know the answer. It was a random blurt if that makes sense. Like it was on his mind and he just said it. We were with a group talking about love and relationships earlier so that is some context. I mentioned that most people jump into relationships because they are filling a need and he responded with that. He didn't make any moves or anything of that sort. He just said it to me as people were leaving offhand

Sometimes it comes out like that. I know once when I was having drinks with a male friend I found myself telling him how crappy my relationship had turned. He is a good guy because he brought me a drink gave me a kiss on the forehead and told me to leave him. That is another story though.

First how awesome he has a friend like you so kudos! We all need someone who can just listen.
Second thing is it is probably true. I find when I am changing I feel incredibly isolated from everyone. I feel like I m reaching and no one is there to help me stretch. in fairness how could they when I do not know what I am reaching for. Maybe for him he is waking up to the reality of his relationship vs what he thought it would be. Either way I think your advice still works. Hang in there maintain your commitment it will probably get better. If it does not at least he can recognize what the problem is. Hopefully he will talk to his SO about it and give her the opportunity to work through this issue with him as opposed to just sitting on the sidelines.