Question When is the search function going to start working properly?


November 2020 --> 14 years natural!!!
It's really frustrating, I'm looking for certain posts by certain posters and I just can't find them!! When is the search function going to start working properly? TIA
The short answer is I don't know yet.

The long answer is that I am working on something that will make things a lot easier but it is very complicated.

We have made a huge investment over the next 2 years, and purchased a Google Search Appliance. This new server is going to be used specifically for the search needs of the forum. Now the GSA is like any other machine - if junk goes in, junk will come out. So to get it working perfectly I need to make sure that the feed that goes into it will be the one that contains information about everything.

The search is a complicated feature and yes there are limitations to it due to the size of our forum.

I am hoping to start working on the GSA this week coming onwards. I don't know when I will be able to get it done but you will be the first to know once I do it.

I apologize for not being able to do this faster.