when is stretching going to far

how do u know when u have stretched long enough or at what point do u say to urself i gotta perm my hair asap, im about 7 weeks post and i wanna stretch longer but i got so much new growth i dont know if i can stretch longer.

i need some advice

The good news is that the longer the hair gets, the longer you can stretch. It was very difficult to stretch when I had short hair. Good luck and listen to your hair.
Girl, you know when it is time to relax and when you just can't go any further. I don't stretch so maybe I am not one to give advice. I just will not stretch if my hair is not acting right - breaking, can't comb, etc.

You have to just use discernment and do what's right for you.
The good news is that the longer the hair gets, the longer you can stretch. It was very difficult to stretch when I had short hair. Good luck and listen to your hair.

ITA! Since my hair is short it is kind of hard, But I am trying for 12 weeks but no longer,but I might have to go 8 weeks because my hair is so short as of right now. But if you feel it is time to relax then please do if it is getting hard for you!
For me, i stretch for 3 1/2-4months and I know when its time to relax when i just cant stand doing my hair anymore. Have you tried ORS carrot oil? When I've been stretching a while, I put it on my new growth everyday and it makes it so soft and easy to comb, which allows me to continue stretching.
I start to have more dryness than is acceptable and extreme tangling that would call for too much manipulation of the relaxed hair.There is always a wash where I know I don't want to comb through it while wet again, even though I am very gentle.It is like the natural hair starts to take over. I relax straight and my natural hair is very thick. Usually around the 8-9 week mark.
One good way to know is to watch your hair...in other words, if you hair starts excessively shedding or breaking, its time. Especially if protein vs. moisture balance doesn't work in reducing or eliminating the shedding/breaking. I found 8 weeks to work well for me. But this time around I'm going to go 9 weeks and see what happens...
The good news is that the longer the hair gets, the longer you can stretch. It was very difficult to stretch when I had short hair. Good luck and listen to your hair.

I totally agree with you Anky! When my hair was short (pre-LHCF) I had to fight to get to 7 wks stretch. Now, I go 10-12 weeks easily without even remembering I've been stretching. My hair doesn't start "acting up" until around 10 wks and even that is changing since I started getting texlaxed/ texturized instead of bone straight.

I agree with listen to your hair and do what works for you and adjust accordingly as your hair adjusts and gets longer.
My first stretch was 12 weeks but I had alot of breakage because I didnt know how to manage my new growth. I went down to 9 weeks till I learned what worked on my hair, and how to blow out my roots. Now I'm back to 12 wks with confidence. Just watch how your hair's responding to your reggie and change accordingly. Good luck!
I just set a date and go. If my hair becomes unmanageable, I'll cornrow or braid it until I reach my target date. My advice... go with your gut and listen to your hair. If it becomes too much trouble just go ahead and relax.
When i regularly relaxed my hair i only retouched every 6 months. Now that i've relaxed again that is what I plan on doing. I wear my hair out usually the 1st 3 months and then keep it braided until the next touch up
thanks ladies for the advice, well i rollerset it tonite and will wear my curls for a few days but by the weekend i know ill have to wash again and maybe i will flatiron this time, i wish i had someone to braid my hair, the was my method for extending my stretches, thanks for the advice ladies
I know I've stretched too far when I can't find the relaxed ends anymore. :lachen:
Seriously tho, like the other ladies said listen to you hair. You'll be able to stretch longer the longer your hair gets. :yep:
I usually stretch for 12 weeks (minimum). The "sign" for me to relax my hair is when I've applied jbco to my edges, had my scarf on for hours, and my hair still wont lay down flat. :nono:
I set a date also. I wait at least 12 weeks, and if I can go longer I do. If I'm experiencing lots of shedding, breakage, or tangles I just relax on the date I set. Just find the minimum time you can comfortably handle, and build from there. Stretching too long can be counterproductive for some people.
When I can no longer get a comb through my new growth, or when after I wash my hair it looks like rats fur.... I then know it it time to relax. This will normally happen around 14 weeks. I try to wear natural looking hair styles when I am stretching ( braid outs ).