"When Husbands Leave Home..."


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
"When Husbands Leave Home..."

First you cry!
Let Him Go!
Let God Have Him!
Get Some Cod Liver Oil ...
Take it for a Cleansing
You've Endured More Than Enough Mess

Then Rejoice! Go to a Full Day Spa!

After all, haven't you've just gone through enough? Prior to him leaving, you have been more miserable trying to deal with his moods, laundry, missing socks, and whatever else. God has just given you a decent break!
Please....Enjoy it!

As a woman who lived through this, my heart aches for any woman to have this happen to them.

But the man that left is not the same man that you want to come back.​
Think of all the grief and suffering that you just came out of.

Is this what you want coming back into your life? Your children's lives? Your home? Isn't this what you were 'fighting' with all along and trying your best to make a change?

Your husband cannot come back the same, for he will have the same mind set and spirit that lead him to leave home in the first place. A change has to be made in both of you.

Now these are some extremely importance issues to address before praying for the healing of your marriage.

Seek God first as to whether you should or should not be with this particular man. You have to know the perfect will of God for your life.

Was there 'abuse' in this marriage? Be it physical or verbal, you cannot play games here. Your life and the life of your children (if any) is first priority.

If there is abuse of any nature, you must abandon the entire hope of ever reuniting your life to this man ever again. If you are to be married to him, than God, Himself will have to come down from Heaven and literally tell you so face to face.

I will not discount a change in him or a miracle. However, your spirit has been deeply wounded. You are extremely fragile and vunerable; so holding on to the hope of reunion will only destroy your emotional well-being to the point that you will compromise your self-worth and you may allow this man into your life prematurely which may mean disaster for all involved; including other family members.

Any woman coming out of an abusive relationship is in no condition to be with anyone until she herself has had time to heal, both spiritually and physically. For she has been crushed and wounded to a degree that requires much repair and renewal.

This also applies to women whose husbands have been in bondage to addictions; be it drugs, alcohol, gambling, pornography or even under the satanic influence of homosexuality. You've been through hell.

These men must be totally released from your emotions and given completely unto God for Him to do whatever work in them to renew them and completely deliver them from every bondage in which they have been held captive.

Does this mean that all hope is gone for any marriage? No, I've seen many marriages healed and thriving far better than ever. But your hope is no longer the man. Your hope is now what God wants to do.

It is imperative that the wife has to be renewed and have her right mindset before God can do anything regarding her husband who has left her. Otherwise the devil will have a hayday with you with thoughts of fear, anxiety, doubt, mis-trust and most of all, he is out to steal from you the freedom that comes from forgiveness.

When husbands leave, let them go. Only God can bring them back for that is the only way that they can return (if they are meant to) in order for your marriage to work.

That's where abandoning yourself completely to God and prayer, fasting, staying under His word come into more necessity than ever before. For from this you will know exactly what you are to do, when and where. God will not fail you. He won't for God cannot fail. He will definitely lead you.

Now you do have a weapon here. As he leaves or he's 'out there' doing whatever, pray..."Lord, take over his life. His Destiny belongs to you and no other. Do whatever you have to do to have glory in this man's life.

Just keep me free from all fear and anxiety. From this moment on, it's you as my love and focus and no one else. In Jesus' name, Amen and Amen.

When God releases me, I will share the prayers from my heart for marriages regarding this topic. All I want to be is a blessing if only to one person.

God does heal marriages. He truly does. But the people who make up the marriage need to be healed first. Hence the reason for this post before the marriage prayers...
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Great subject! I think a lot of women, particularly Christian women are afraid that when he leaves, he's not coming back unless she puts on a good fight to keep him. And for the Christian woman, she has to worry about what other people in the church will say about her marriage ending, and what the bible says about divorce. Some church folks really look down on Christians who divorce and later try to remarry. That's a tough spot to be in.

On the flip side, if a man wants to leave, I think it's unhealthy to chase after him. Just as you said, the man who left is not the one you want to come back. He needs to be healed, and so does the wife! That's a lot of hurt to process. Too many women think that this is what God wants for them, and I'm not sure that's true. Sometimes people marry someone God didn't intend for them to marry. :)
Thanks so much for posting this. I am currently going through a divorce and my husband was verbally and physically abusive towards me. I had no choice but to leave the home because I had our young son to protect as well as myself. I know that God is in control and that I must stay close to him.
AMJMMJR - I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I'm glad you got out of the situation with your life.:)

Shimmie/Peb - I'ma have to PM one you I have a problem that been going on to long and I've been ready to end it for over a year, but not sure how to pray about it, as in all things I want God's will first in my life.

Talk to you soon.